Ban Apology (@Cole)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Cole
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: yes geez
Your Roleplay Name: Jimmy Fernandez
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80465059

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.1,1.4,4.8: User ran over another player on-purpose, while on duty, as a taxi driver. During the admin sit he stated that it was "an accident", that however turned out to be false after the reporting party (RP) provided a video. He also called me a "gimp" and asked me if I "have no balls". In addition to that he stated "I will come for you and cut your throat" to the RP. At the end of the admin said he said "Suck my balls, this is boring me." and disconnected. || Extended due to ban evasion

Why should this appeal be considered?: I believe my appeal should be considered because over the time I have been banned I have learned to take a much more relaxed approach to games and have matured so now my behaviour will not match previous situations. When I broke all these rules I was at a very uninterested point on PERP and didn't see much of a future on it for me. I'm honestly sorry to anyone that was affected by my actions during this time, I admit that I intentionally broke rules but it was out of choice and stupidity. I've played PERP since an early stage and believe that if I were to return I would be willing to help all new players and have a much more RPing approach instead of powergrowing and other boring methods to generate money. I'm also banned off the website in relation to this incident as I thought it was going to be the last time I played PERP I attempted to get myself perma banned, originally the ban was only 3 months however I decided to push my luck and recieved a perma ban which at the time I did not care about. However upon reflecting on my decisions I realised that was very foolish as I am currently sat here wanting to play when I would of been able to if I didn't act so recklessly. I understand all the server rules and always have done but in certain situations I react in a foolish way instead of thinking what the smart thing to do is, due to this fact I will be using my knowledge of the rules to make sure I follow them at all times to guarantee myself not running the risk of being banned again. I've seen the recent uprise in PERP again both in players and content and its starting to look like the old days so I'd like to come and have one last run.

Additional Information: I will never do this again and if my appeal does get considered then I promise to follow all server rules to the max and ensure I will not recieve any bans or warnings. Also once again sorry to @Cole and any others involved in the situation.
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