Ban Apology (Collier)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Collier
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: GraffitiCat
Your Roleplay Name: Buck Sneed
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:84171803

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: "homophobic troll"

Why should this appeal be considered?: I feel like the reaction and reason from the staff is over the top as I am not homophobic nor a troll. I will give my account and opinion on the matter and I am sure that you will be able to understand that it is a misunderstanding and a week ban is a drastic measure for such an instance. How it started was like this, I logged onto the server for the 3rd time today after hopping off earlier a few times because of my unsuccessful time on the server (getting robbed, other unfortunate circumstances, etc.). People started breaking into my apt in the back door, so i took out a shotgun and approached and shot the first person back there who turned out to be a cop investigating the break-in who failed to call out that he was police. There was no police warning, (usually police tells you that they are in the area and to put hands up). After I noticed my mistake, I put my hands up and he handcuffs me. Eventually after the altercation is finished, they start to jail me for "assault with a deadly weapon" despite it not being my fault due to the police officer's incompetence when it came to letting me know that it was police and not the burglar breaking in. I will admit I started going off on the officer arresting me, lambasting him with the "f slur". (I was just angry I don't care if youre gay or not) I do apologize for that behavior, and I will refrain from it in the future, but I hope you understand that one frustration after the other due to incompetence not even of my own got to me. I would like to close off this appeal with saying that I am not a troll, I take this server seriously and I do roleplay and follow the rules to the best of my ability. I enjoy my time on this server, and a ban of a week seems extreme for such a case and I implore you to reconsider as I have no malice or intention to troll/minge/etc. I just wanna grow weed man.. cheers

Additional Information: I would file this under 'dispute' as I feel that the reason was unjust, but I do not have any evidence and I would also like to apologize on an oversight on my part as detailed in the appeal consideration field.

You state that you feel that the reason was unjust, but admit to saying the f slur, which is obviously homophobic, can you explain your thought process? What is unjust in your ban reasoning?
It's a common word that people use when they get upset. The word was not used in a discriminatory manner but rather a crude attempt to offend which was unfortunately successful. I am not trying to advocate for the use of the word and I will refrain from using it in future behavior. What is is unjust in my ban reasoning was how it made it seem like I was just a troll whos intention is to cause problems on the server, despite having 24+ hrs playing on the server legitimately and following the rules. This is just an attempt to explain the context around the situation. I see people getting only 3 days for actually intentionally breaking rules and killing people, so I just feel like a week in proportion for saying a word people dont like because I was upset seems unjust. I understand if I got a warning, or a day ban or something but a full week along with a reason trying to frame it as if I have no intention to roleplay does in fact feel unjust.

You state that you feel that the reason was unjust, but admit to saying the f slur, which is obviously homophobic, can you explain your thought process? What is unjust in your ban reasoning?
I am not a homophobe, I have better things to do then be angry about who people are attracted to.

There is nothing unjust about your ban reason. If you have an issue with the length, you can feel free to make a staff complaint on Collier. At the end of the day, what you said was homophobic and you've admitted to saying it so there is nothing to dispute.

If it makes you feel better, I've edited your ban reason to not call you a troll - Change your vocabulary before you come back.
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