Ban Apology (Draxen)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Draxen
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Thomas (NO)
Your Roleplay Name: John candy
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:90345422

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Pointing a gun....

Why should this appeal be considered?: some police officer also a admin, gave me a big ticket. i pulled my gun up and asked him why he did that and then said okay. then i told him to walk backwards so i could get in to my car and run away. but before i got in my car he killed me. thats fine by me. but then he is prob mad at me and banned me for 2 weeks wich i think is way to long. and he does that without even talking to me. and he should not have been giving the ticket at first place anyways because i was talking to one of the other officers ont the same place. but he sees a oppurtunity to give somone a ticket so he runs for it without investigating whats going on around him or if i have a reason to park my car like that. i would like to appology if i hurt his feelings and hope this ban can be removed or atleast shortetnd a lot. and this is the first time this has happent, i was not realy sure if there were or is a rule against pointing a gun at an officer. but if there is i will know it now and hope i could get a warning on this one. 2 weeks is way to long man aha.

Additional Information: show some love yall :)
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