Ban Apology (EllenYeager)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: EllenYeager
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Grophyanskiy_
Your Roleplay Name: Benjamin Ruggiero
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:240551246

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5, 3.4 - User executed a cop, medic and two civilians when trying to help his friend escape a ticket/light sentence for trying to ziptie an officer.

Why should this appeal be considered?: So,im sorry to the all players i hurt in that situation,and i understand the fact i wasnt suposed to do that,because my friend clearly broke the rules and gunpoint,and i apologize for mine and his actions.

From the day of the ban,when someone of my friend is being arrested i will investigate the WHOLE situation and will take right decision to kill the officer or not,and i will make sure there no other police officers,because i will put my life in risk.And now if my friend broke the server rules i will not involve in situation,because i dont want that situation happen again ever.

I will really like to continue play with my friends on that server,i really like it and its my main game im playing only,this server helped me a lot,i learn english good from it,i've made new friends who understand my language,and im very thankfull to the whole staff for doing that server better every day and more interesting,thank you guys,the server is very interesting and never will be annoying,all persons like to play on that server,continue doing very good server!

Im sorry towards all players for the thing i did,i was on panic because my friend will be in jail and didnt investigate the situation and ignore the clearly broke of the 3.4 from him,and killed the officers and other peoples.

That will not happen again,as i said now i will investigate the whole situation before killing someone,and i will investigate the area,and i will make sure thats allowed.

Thank u all players reading that,have a nice day,and also congratulations of the passing the school year,that was hard but i believe you will start a new year with fun,have a nice day.

Additional Information: :)
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United Kingdom
my brother in christ, this year alone you have around like 10 ban appeals and had some accepted ones at the start, how do you expect anyone to take your apologies serious at this point

the more you make appeals, the more likely it will get denied, take the hint and wait it out.. just don't break rules lol
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my brother in christ, this year alone you have around like 10 ban appeals and had some accepted ones at the start, how do you expect anyone to take your apologies serious at this point

the more you make appeals, the more likely it will get denied, take the hint and wait it out.. just don't break rules lol
Reaction score
I need to wait 3 more days till unban,can my ban get shorter because im really boried without perpheads please
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