Ban Apology (enforcer Daniel)

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Reaction score
Belfast NI
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: enforcer Daniel
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: Cookie Man
Your Roleplay Name: Ziad Jarrah
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:460029964

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User ran into a shootout to try and take a gun, resulting in him being shot by TFU. // Banned for enforcer Daniel

Why should this appeal be considered?: Daniel did a f6 on me asking why i ran into a "active shoot out" at slums which to my knowledge was no longer active as i didn't hear any more shots or anything ( i was at city hall when the shootings were happening and that was a while ago) I first went to the front door of slums with a guy called Dave and a tfu and cop were around there with guns out (i thought they were about to leave and just still had there guns out for some reason and that no ems was coming as the body's were still there) and they didn't tell me to leave or say that it as still a active shootout so I thought they just haven't put them away yet and that my life is not at risk so then i walk over to the slums parking lot and see a dead body with a ak 101 under it so i look around to see if anyone would see me take and I didn't see anyone so I grab it then I get sniped by tfu (i never saw him) after all this Daniel send me this and says you were a gun point by two cops how is it not a active shootout and he says he was watching so then I ask to see his clip (his photo is proof) which he doesn't reply and I say that photo doesn't proof anything and that i would like to see this clip (still no reply) when I asked to show the clip the second time (I think) he was talking in ooc about something but then comes back like 20 min later to say he was busy then he tps me on top of a roof then I said my side of why i was there then I ask to see the clip and he says "I don't have to show you it" then proceeds to ban me for 3 days which i just think he should at least listen to me and get context on why I was there in the first place i just don't think 3 days is reasonable because I thought I wasn't breaking 3.4 I am sorry for breaking it (well im not sure if i even broke it)
im not really sure as i dont know really know if i am in the wrong or if you are im just not sure so i did apology
You walked to slums, whilst there was a heavy TFU and a cop outside pointing guns, multiple moaning bodies to try and gain a gun which risked your life. If you believe I am in the wrong please make a dispute, but if you now understand that you broke the rules you can continue with your apology
You walked to slums, whilst there was a heavy TFU and a cop outside pointing guns, multiple moaning bodies to try and gain a gun which risked your life. If you believe I am in the wrong please make a dispute, but if you now understand that you broke the rules you can continue with your apology
ok im sorry daniel i thought i wasnt breaking 3.4

You need to take the next day or so to ensure you fully understand 3.4, considering you already have a ban and 2 warnings prior to this.

Reviewed with @Bojing
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