Ban Dispute (daniel)

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Reaction score
Under Lewis088's bed
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: daniel
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Kempotent
Your Roleplay Name: Tony Morley
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:137767844

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - Shot an SS after mugging someone even though the SS didn't pose an immediate threat and shooting him risked his life.

Why should this appeal be considered?: because as seen in the video, i had bobbied into the back of a bazzar shop, mugged someone then left them ziptied, i go to the front of bazzar and he is shouting "tony mugged me" i see this guy who i am unaware is an SS, their names aren't coloured anymore so how was i supposed to know? I assumed it is his friend, all i see is him pull a gun so i run away and he sees i have a gun, this guy then runs after me where i just thought it was his friend coming to kill me, he ran after a guy who he saw had a gun out for whatever reason? I believe if this person was SS they should of stayed with the mayor and not get involved in this dispute between me and someone else let alone chase after a man with a gun, you can see in the video the last time i saw them they had a gun and all isee is them chasing behind me.

Additional Information:

i did not know they were an SS agent and i had told daniel this in our discord messages

so the statement "shooting him risked his life." is false as players are literally not supposed to know if they're ss or not.
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After doing a bit of digging, we realised that the person wasn't actually Secret Service at this point of the recording, so the ban reason will be updated accordingly. As for the clip, we think it was disproportionate for you to shoot the player in these circumstances. You may have seen them with a gun, but they did not have it out at all when you decided to shoot them or during the brief foot chase. The furthest you probably could have gone was to gunpoint them to establish why they were following you.

Reviewed with @SamSN @TinySlayer
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