Ban Apology (Erwin)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Erwin
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 4 Months

Your Steam Name: Sanchez
Your Roleplay Name: Jason Coxk
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:603942538

Why were you punished?: 2.5, 3.4 - An advert was made saying that another player was "10 toes". This player was released at Bazaar shortly after this advert was made, by an allied organisation. Without any investigation, the organisation and another allied organisation attempted to raid the PD, despite the initial player that was "ten toes" not being in the PD, nor having been arrested. This lead to a large scale shootout at the PD, resulting in the death of around 15 police officers and almost all of the members of the organisations involved. Had the users investigated more thoroughly, they would have know that the initial player had yet to be transported, and as such, the PD raid would not have happened. It was their responsibility to ensure this.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello Erwin,

It's officially been more then 2 months since my ban and I was wondering if I could get unbanned. I'm sorry for breaking the rules Erwin, I've learned from my mistake and I wont do PD raids (and other KOS cops situation without doing research first. I didn't knew that you had to do research yourself aswell and that you could just KOS if your friend told you a valid reason. I learned know that I shouldn't be so quick to trust my friends. I'm sorry for wasting your time, I know it took a long time to punish everyone and explain us what we did wrong. I appreciate you for explaining my rule break so I can learn from the mistakes I made. I truly believe that i've grown from those mistakes and can play the server without breaking any rules. So sorry for everything once again and I hope I can get a unban.

Additional Information: For me it's almost vacation and I would like to play the server and see my old friends once again. Thank you for using your time to read and discuss my appeal. Have a nice day/night!

Given that your 2 most recent bans (both being related to rule 3.4) were lifted early, as a result of an apology, there will be addition steps that I will require you to take before being unbanned.

Your understanding and knowledge of rule 3.4 will be tested via a "Kahoot" quiz, made by myself and fellow staff members. Upon successful completion of this quiz, with an adequate score, your ban will be lifted. If you fail to perform adequately on this quiz, your ban will remain in place.

Please contact me on discord for further details, and to arrange a time when you are available to do this.

Upon successful completion of the Kahoot quiz, this has now been accepted.

Further 3.4 rule breaks, within the next 6 months, will result in a 6 month ban.
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