Ban Apology (Erwin)

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Reaction score
Nazeer’s basement
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Erwin
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: 24k3
Your Roleplay Name: Jaxson Wood
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:597226409

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5, 3.4 - An advert was made saying that another player was "10 toes". This player was released at Bazaar shortly after this advert was made, by an allied organisation. Without any investigation, the organisation and another allied organisation attempted to raid the PD, despite the initial player that was "ten toes" not being in the PD, nor having been arrested. This lead to a large scale shootout at the PD, resulting in the death of around 15 police officers and almost all of the members of the organisations involved. Had the users investigated more thoroughly, they would have know that the initial player had yet to be transported, and as such, the PD raid would not have happened. It was their responsibility to ensure this.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I just want to start this off by apologizing to Erwin, and to the officers that were involved with the PD raid. My friends were told that a mate of ours was 10 toes, when I respawned there was a massive shootout going on at PD and wasnt understanding fully until a friend of mine told me we were raiding PD and told me to get a gun. I then decided to shoot cops and we had a bad surprise, our friend was never in jail and was freed at bazaar. I just want to apologise to the cops that were affected by our rule break, which is very annoying to them, I also want to apologise to Erwin, for being disrespectful to him in his discord DM's, and also thank him for explaining the reason of my ban as I was a bit confused and he was also very lenient towards us, as it was miscommunicated between us. I have read through the rules and understood what I have done, and will not happen again.

Additional Information: Thank you for reading my appeal
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