Ban Apology (Erwin)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Erwin
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 4 Months

Your Steam Name: Sanchez
Your Roleplay Name: Jason Coxk
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:603942538

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5, 3.4 - An advert was made saying that another player was "10 toes". This player was released at Bazaar shortly after this advert was made, by an allied organisation. Without any investigation, the organisation and another allied organisation attempted to raid the PD, despite the initial player that was "ten toes" not being in the PD, nor having been arrested. This lead to a large scale shootout at the PD, resulting in the death of around 15 police officers and almost all of the members of the organisations involved. Had the users investigated more thoroughly, they would have know that the initial player had yet to be transported, and as such, the PD raid would not have happened. It was their responsibility to ensure this.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello Erwin,

This apology might be too early to request an unban, but it's never too early to apologize for what happened. Now, I want to express my apologies for the entire admin sit. I know it took a while for you to deal with everyone breaking the rules.

For those who do not know what happened, my friends decided to raid the PD to rescue a friend who was "10 toes". Unfortunately, my friends didn't do enough research to confirm that he was indeed in jail. When I saw in the org chat that they needed to KOS cops at the PD, I decided to help. Here is where I made the mistake of not conducting research to verify if my friend was genuinly in jail, which makes it a rule break.

The situation happened really fast and I believe everyone would agree that I couldn't realistically verify his status at that moment. But even though things happened fast, I realised afterwards that I should of done more research and that putting my trust in my friends isn't always the smartest option. I did learn my lesson, believe me or not I won't ever do a PD raid again unless im 100% sure that I saw the person walking in PD with a cop.

The problem is my record ofcours, most of my friends are already playing the server again. Because of my record I got a very long ban for a small mistake like this and I don't think 4 months would really change anything special, I've learned from the small mistake I made. I do know the bans on the PerpHeads community are very serious that's why most would say it would be impossible to get unbanned this early.

Erwin, all I got left to say is that I learned for my mistake and I really apologise for all that happend. I've provided you my POV and I do know you understand that I wasn't doing this intentionally. Most of the time I get the answer to wait the punishment out, but 4 months is really long. But Anyways I wish everyone a good day/night and lets hope i'll get to play before May 14.

Additional Information: I know it is a longer apology then usually, I really put my time in this and I hope you will to. If there are any questions about the situation, you can always send me message.
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