Ban Apology (Ezza)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Ezza
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: Mr_Lumberton
Your Roleplay Name: Robert Lumber
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:801631282

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - Failed to comply at direct gunpoint, leading to their death shortly after.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I think it would be smart to explain the whole situation first and my mindset beforehand as I believe it explains why I didn't immediately act upon gunpoint. I have been looking for someone to buy my coca seeds of me so I can get rid of them but not at a complete loss; so when I finally found someone who would pay for them I was quite happy that I could finally get rid of them. It ended up being a situation where the individual wanted to scam me and thus the following situation ensued. The scammer took out his gun and put me under gunpoint saying "put your hands up". At first I was shocked because it came out of nowhere but then I thought that he was trying to mug me which as we were at subs storage would not have been allowed. After telling him that "you can't mug me here", he said "yes I can". This must have reassured my beliefs beforehand that he was trying to mug me and so I remained in my state of shock saying "you can't mug me". I now know that if he were intending on mugging me, I should instead comply and then make a report afterwards. The police arrive 10 seconds after the scammer puts me under gunpoint and a shootout begins. As the shootout occurs, I realise that I am not following the rules correctly and I should put my hands up so I do so. The scammer wins the shootout and then due to frustration at me for not complying under gunpoint, he shoots me in the head, which I fully understand and sympathise with.

Now that the whole situation has been explained and my thoughts during the incident have been gathered, I want to say I am sorry and I would like to apologise. I am sorry to Amy Jordan who had to experience a poor RP situation due to my poor cooperation. I would also like to apologise to Ezza for wasting his time which he could've used roleplaying instead of dealing with me. Finally, I would like to apologise to whoever reads this apology and makes a decision, I know it is a long read but I really like this server and being banned for 3 days now means I won't be able to play this weekend. I understand the reasoning behind the ban and understand if this apology gets denied.

Additional Information: This clip shows the beginning of the incident up until the cops arrive:
Reaction score

If you didnt already have a poor 3.4 history i would accept this, however your history speaks for itself in that you have not learned from previous incidents.