Ban Apology (Ezza)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Ezza
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Babyhandz198
Your Roleplay Name: Jeb Bej
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:449427161

Why were you punished?: I shot a man in the back of the head

Why should this appeal be considered?: Look In my defense Pappa 4 was legit trolling before I shot him. Like putting money under crates and calling people roaches and at one point made fun of someone for being catholic and than to make matters worse I never saw a gun. But tape shows a gun. I thought he was going full dictator and So well. I started blasting.

I dont thunk I was banned for the action I was banned for the interaction I had with Azza, He was angry, I got angry, we got angry. We started bickering. I pissed him off and he was not at all trying to hear me out or understand in my opinion so yeah im going to act like I dont care.

The comments reflect this as they are biased as shit and paint me to be just this mad lad.

To make matters worse I maybe started calling them out on rule breaks and that didnt seem to help my case. I just got mocked and banned.

I reside that while yes what I did was wrong, the interaction I had with staff was biased from the start, overly aggressive and I got pp slapped for being blunt about the whole thing. I pissed him off is why I got the ban, in my opinion and thats fine like I wasnt being nice about it but neither was he. He just had a shred of power I did not. I think two weeks is because of a hurt ego not because I crashed out on a troll and like I get it. I did legitimately break that rule. But it comes down to an argument rather than what it was originally about and I do no think thats fair or just. I didnt just walk up to him and bang bang there was a whoke interaction that unfolded and nobody gave a shit about the thought process regardless of right or wrong there are always reasons and If I am not mistaken shoukd have resulted in a PD blacklist not a two week ban.

I would also like to add, I like the admins but there are a few that are just dickheads all around. I got blacklisted for defending myself as a paramedic once like didnt even arrest the guy hitting me just got pissed at me. I would just like to state perhaps we as players should be able to put reviews on individual admins, now I know someone will get banned and leave a nasty review but hear me out. If you are actively banned, Untill it is appealed or lifted you can not review anybody and the result of placing a review to purposely hurt their reputation should be punishable by a perma or a revication of the feature all together. Sorry Got off topic there but thats my 2 cents on it. We both got heated, I think thats why the ban is as it is.

Additional Information: My bad, Didnt know it was like THAT
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You claim i was angry, which simply was not the case, you had a horrendous attitude and took joke of the matter instead of taking responsibility and apologising there and then.

If you think " I pissed him off is why I got the ban, in my opinion and thats fine like I wasnt being nice about it but neither was he." is the case, make a staff complaint.
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