Ban Apology (Festive Double J)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Festive Double J
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Months

Your Steam Name: Voyd
Your Roleplay Name: DeAndre Smith
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:542591089

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.2 - User communicated in-game information over 3rd Party Software. Longer ban due to literally just coming off a ban for the same thing

Why should this appeal be considered?: I know i meta gamed 3 days after i got unbanned and im not asking for a full ban which im probally not even gone get a reduced one. In this 1 month of being banned ive changed, i became more mature and fully read the rules again. When i was typing the message in i wasnt thinking twice i shouldve thinked twice and not sent the message in discord and just send it in org chat. it may have been to the fact that i dont really raid much and i finally had a succesfull raid and i was really happy at the moment that i couldnt wait for my teamate to respawn so i just typed the message in discord. I want you to know im really sorry i know i said this in the last apology for the same thing but this time im actually really sorry and i hope you can forgive me. Thanks for taking your time to read this apology. - Voyd

Additional Information: I know i havent waited 2 months before making an appeal but i just wana have fun in this server and i swear ill never do this again and think twice next time.

I know its Christmas and, usually, I'd accept apologies around this time but I'm making an exception here.

You said it yourself, you metagamed 3 days after being unbanned. I trusted you enough to unban you the first time so I hope you understand how I don't have any trust in you at this moment.

I hope you have a good Christmas.
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