Ban Apology (Fredy and Console)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Fredy and Console
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Ox1star
Your Roleplay Name: Woods Onizuka
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:548827973

Why were you punished?: Alt Accounts and Mass RDM

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello,

I'm making a second appeal because I want to play back on the server, I can say today it miss me, I know I had said on my last appeal that I didn't want to play on the server anymore but the server overall was a well-captivating experience despite all the mistakes, today I would say I grown up from all of that and will not make them happen again, and if one day it occurs that I'm getting angry or wanna act unlawfully, I will stop playing to gain back my rational state and then play back again and if a ban happens for some reason, I will requestion myself, and read the rules if I need more clarifications and also if next time, I'm facing a wrong attitude or incident with someone or a group of people, that I can't resolve myself, I will report it to the admin to sort it out together.

I hope you will consider my appeal positively and if it's the case, if possible to be unban from the last ban that I had since now it's my principal account and which I play on my daily basis, His Steam name was Narogz and his steam ID was STEAM_0:1:847775056.

Thank you for reading and considering my appeal.

See you soon.