Ban Apology (Hayden)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Hayden
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: RatMan
Your Roleplay Name: Nick Lusk
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:161959816

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 Blew up player car without taking necessary precautions

Why should this appeal be considered?: Why i think my ban should be reconsidered.
I understand that i had broken the code of conduct. But the reason behind me breaking this code was completely unwilling. I had no intention of purposely breaking the code of conduct. I had only done what i did because i had no idea what i was doing was against the code.
I want to apologize to the people who i had affected and suffered from what i did. I also had given items back to the people who i had stolen from.
I do have friends that understand the code more than i do. I do rely on them. I had only done what i did because i had thought they were within the code of conduct. Mistakes happen and i now i suffer the consequences of these accidents.

I never wanted to cause any trouble with anyone or with myself. It really broke my heart that this decision had to be made. I'm a really good guy and that's a fact! It was never my intention to spread unnecessary negativity. In real life, i work with kids that are on the autism spectrum so I'm completely against bullying and harassment. I love to keep people together. But i understand what i did can be seen from that prospective.

I also had a small chance to apologize to Dalton for blowing his car up. I didn't have time to mention that I'm willing to pay for the damage i had done to his car!

I only ask for my ban to be completely abolished or even lessened to one day.

I hope everyone understands and thank you! Lots of love! <3

- Freddie Chan / Nick Lusk

Additional Information: N/A
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