Ban Apology (Maia)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Maia
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: slothmane365
Your Roleplay Name: thomas jackerson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:573730606

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.6, 2.5, 3.12 - User shot another player and the mayor for no reason. Disconnected without answering to the report.

Why should this appeal be considered?: i had shot a player standing next to the mayor which also killed the mayor. me and the person who was next to the mayor had gotten into an argument and it escalated to me shooting him and the mayor died in the process, i typically like to roleplay out situations and i dont see how this even was not a roleplaying experiance. no admin came to me. no admin called me to them. i had gotten off several minutes after killing the man and i dont even fully understand why i am banned for a WEEK!! i dont cause many problems i like to do what i do on this game like everyone else. i think it is very unfair to ban me for 1 week! i would greatly appreciate it if someone would take the time and consider un banning me? i do apologize for the inconvienence! i would definetly recommend looking into the situation asap and calling someone to you if the problem was such a big problem. i got off for some odd hours just to find out im banned and didnt even have a clear understanding on why.

Additional Information: looking forward to playing with all my homies :(
literally i had a few personal things going on irl, id rather have an admin come talk to me if there's a huge problem immediately because i had to leave becasue me and my girlfriend were going out for some dinner. im not asking to be unbanned right away necessarily but at least reduce the ban time.. 1 week ban for somethin that happens quite often during normal roleplay circumstances is pretty extream. i appreciate your time. thank.
If that is the case then:

1 - You should not get involved in a roleplay situation
2 - You should have told me in the report

In order for me to consider your apology, please upload a video of the situation or the following demo: perpheads_demo_2022-10-15 17-25-16
i do not have a video as i am not knowledgeable on how to perform such an action... i did shoot both players. in the city hall, after i had an altercation with an individual. resulting in 2 deaths. thats literally all that happend. i was in the wrong. i do apologize. if you can reduce the time at least i am fine with that but 1 week is way too extreame. im trying to be 100% honest with the situation as i do not have a video. i would like to just be able to play perp sometime throughout the week if possible after work. i work all week and usually get to play on weekends and sometimes i do get carried away with some actions. but i will own up to it!

Ultimately you broke the rules and your record is pretty bad. I will gladly take a look into the situation if you upload your demo and consider the 2.5 part of your ban however.

Here is a guide for the demo files:

All I need is for you to upload the file "perpheads_demo_2022-10-15 17-25-16" located in garrysmod/data/phdemos.

Please send it over a PM
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