Ban Apology (Maia)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Maia
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: Saudi arab
Your Roleplay Name: Kent Ball
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:143679545

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 - User killed me because I didnt give him a crowbar

Why should this appeal be considered?: Because i was in need of crowbar and I havent played in a few weeks and I thought i could mug someone for crowbar at bazzare but I realised after admin told me that I was not allowed to but its my fault for breaking rules but a 3 day ban is quite exessive for rdm i dont think its realistic to ban someone for 3 days because they came back to the server after not playing it for a while and will most likely end up in losing player population as its such petty things that you ban ppl like this for ive got no clue wether if its cuz it was a staff i killed so he used his powers to take his own sit and ban me for it but I think personally that Maia shouldve made a report on me instead of respawning themself and insta taking me to a rooftop and say im getting banned and qoute "youre not new player u should know what u done" and just because it say new player shouldnt make a difference beside that they are new but u can also be new because u come back after big break and u been playing other rp servers in the time whilst i was gone for those months or how long it was. I do apologise but I think that i should be given a second chance due to me loving the server hopefully u accept this Maia and im truely sorry... Sorry if my spelling is bad.
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The Eras Tour

This is clearly not an apology and I banned you according to the gravity of your actions regardless if I was the person shot or not, you claim you thought you could mug people at bazaar but usually, when you mug people, you give orders before killing them?

Make a Ban Dispute if you think your ban was invalid, in which case you will have to provide evidence and a group of staff members other than myself will deal with it.

Make a Staff Complaint if you believe I was unfair and / or abused my powers as Moderator, this will be dealt with by Administrator+
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