Ban Apology (Megsaw)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Megsaw
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: pendingsuicide
Your Roleplay Name: Lora Khaki
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:812368420

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User failed to comply whilst under gunpoint by an officer for a very prolonged period of time, causing their car to get shot and risking their life.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Dear Megsaw,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my sincerest apologies for breaking the rules. I understand this was an inconvenience to not only you, but the player I did this to. Breaking this rule was unintentional and out of mind for me. I did not have bad intentions when playing the game.

I would like to first explain my actions so you have a strong understanding of why I did what I did, and why my apology should be accepted. To start, this encounter began when I was crowbarring two Bazaar shop doors. I do not know exactly why I was crowbarring the doors, but I do now know that is an arrestable offense. I’m sure you can understand that crowbarring these doors is very minor. When crowbarring the doors, nobody in the Bazaar shop’s were either present for it - or didn't mind it. I now understand why I was being detained; as it is realistic roleplay.

I understand that if this were to happen in real life. I would’ve most likely been detained. When I surrendered, I was placed in handcuffs. I was upset, being arrested. I felt this way because my weed was about to be finished and I didn’t feel (at the time) that the arrest was fair. I did not want my weed to die, and I didn’t want to spend 5 years in jail for something so minor. There were lots of people in the bazaar telling the officer that it’s not that deep, and it only made the arrest feel even more unjustified.

I’d also like to mention that the officer did chase me with a firearm, but I was unaware that I was being gunpointed. If this was real life, I would have assumed I was just being chased. The officer did not announce the firearm, and it was also out of frame for me. I now can see how this can be frustrating for the officer, and how it might make him want to create a report. However, the getaway was in the name of good fun and for laughs, and I’m sure if you review some more clips of the interaction you can hear us all laughing and having a good time. This officer may have had a bad day, but did not do anything wrong. For that, I owe the officer an apology as well.

I want to acknowledge the gravity of the situation. Rules exist for a reason, whether to maintain order, ensure fairness, or protect the safety and well-being of individuals. By disregarding these rules, I not only disrespected the authority that established them but also jeopardized the integrity of the community as a whole. Please understand that I am human and I do make mistakes, and act on stressful or intense situations. We all have bad days.

To add to this, this is not normal behavior from me. I am usually very good with not breaking gunpoint. I average about 8 hours a day on perpheads - meaning this would be about 109 hours in two weeks; if my math is correct. With this, I only recall about two or three 3.4 reports on me, this may not be accurate but this is all I truly recall. I have been playing for some time now, and am still in the process of correcting myself when a rule has been broken. I am also still learning new rules everyday. When backing up out of the parking space, I recognized I was breaking the rule, while the officer pointed the shotgun at me, and in frame. I stopped the car and no longer attempted driving off. I hope you can understand that an attempt was made to correct my actions. I stepped out of the car and accepted the fact that I was going to be arrested for this.

I take full responsibility for what I did in this situation. I realize now that I should not have even got in the car, and I should’ve accepted the arrest instead. I know that 3.4 is a crucial rule and is to be taken very seriously at all times. I want to assure you that every day I join the server, I do not have any bad intentions. I always intend to properly roleplay. This was a slip-up on my end and I plan to learn from this accordingly. Please try to understand my side of this. These circumstances are unfortunate for not only me, but the officer as well. I take responsibility for this. I know that he was also trying to properly roleplay, and he also did not have any bad intentions when playing.

Additionally, the officer who made the arrest gave me five years in jail, and in that time frame I had already thought about my actions. The reason I got in the car was because I did not want to go to jail. Like I mentioned earlier, this was all in good fun. The people around us - civilians; were all having a nice time and joking about the arrest. His accompanied officer even advised Tyrone that this arrest wasn’t that serious. Tyrone exhibited a bad attitude and it seems he had a bad day, and I should’ve been more understanding and coherent of this as well.

I don’t think I need two weeks to reflect on my bad behavior. I fully regret the decision that I made. I also take full responsibility for my actions and I also understand that it comes with consequences, and I understand if you think the 14 day ban is suitable for this rule break. I trust your judgment when punishing me, but I atleast hope your interpretation on this rule break has changed.

I recognize that my behavior may have also had a ripple effect on the other people around us at the bazaar, such as new players; causing them to think this is okay to do. I want to apologize for that as well. I am sorry. Moreover, I am committed to having the behavior completely fixed as soon as I am back. I am prepared to face the 2 week punishment, but please acknowledge that this is a long time to reflect on my actions more than I already have.

It has been one day without perpheads and I haven’t slept since. My eyes are burning and I am unable to eat without perp. I don’t know how I’ll go two weeks without it. I see this punishment as an opportunity for personal growth, but hope that you will cut me some slack for my actions. I am an individual in this community that also contributes positively.

I would like to back up my previous claim by stating some things that I do to help the community, in hopes you understand that I am a good person - and this behavior is not frequent. On March 8th, 2024 I helped you bust an alleged pedophile that tried meeting up with me. About 8 days ago, I mugged a new player; but felt bad and only took two donuts. A week previous to my ban, all players who asked for storage in my shop were granted access. In addition, I have made homeless food banks for the community. I have also given lots of new or starting players free firearms. I can name more examples, but I hope you can see my humility and selflessness in this game - and this can change your mind.

Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience I caused during this time, and will continue to grow and learn - and strive to follow all rules. I ask not only for a reduction on the lengthy ban, but also for your forgiveness. I have repented for it already this morning and have since been baptized of my sins and wish to start fresh as a new person. In order to do this, I would appreciate your forgiveness.

Additional Information: >.<
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I appreciate the time you have taken for this response, however, it is clear in the video that after you were being chased, you were gunpointed for a very prolonged period. You attempted to drive away whilst knowing this, resulting in you risking your life and getting shot, hence breaking rule 3.4.

I am sorry to hear that this ban has affected your life, however, these rules exist for a reason and are there to keep roleplay both realistic and fair. I suggest you take this time to read up on rule 3.4 and understand what you have done wrong so that this doesn't happen again considering your history with this rule.