Ban Apology (phoondos)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 11881
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Deleted member 11881

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @phoondos
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Ashton
Your Roleplay Name: Ashton Candell
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:196798861

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User stalled under gunpoint for a prolonged amount of time, texting organization chat to come help him.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Well first off like i told them admin after they messaged me on steam I was told before (around 12 months ago) that I wasn't allowed to speak on any radio or any chat if my comms got stripped while being kidnapped/mugged so I thought saying as I wasnt stripped I could speak in org chat, another thing the admin says I stalled this is incorrect I never stalled I genuleny couldn't hear the guy over music and then when I could he told me to put my hands up I have my keys binded different since I last played so I said I don't know how now I don't know if i said that in game or not but I clearly didn't know how cause I have been asking people before he tried kidnapping me when I was getting arrested and no one told me. Lastly I have just came back from a 9month ban it isnt my fault that I don't know all of the rules and I believe a ban is overkill I believe a warn would be reasonable as if I really wanted to come back to break rules I would of been banned already I just want to have fun now I will say yes I should of re read rules but lets be honest no one actually comes back to a server to except things have changed ect now I am sorry for breaking the rule but you can't blame me yes I will re read certain rules I know I have broken and try not to break them again but like I said this is a dumb ban and its for a week if your gonna ban me atleast have it be for a day I have just started playing and played the whole day for a ban that could of easily been a warn. reposting this cause apparently a dispute was wrong?

Additional Information: No but obviously sorry for the way i acted last night when i first made a disupute is was clearly angry also I will understand if this one gets denied it just annoyed me last night mainly due to the fact In my head i thought it was something so simple and something that obviously I clearly could of avoided if i re read certain rules that was my bad obviously again I was mad cause to be honest this is the only server I play on Garry's Mod but I will agree with whatever happens to this appeal sorry to the admins that were invloved as I was being a bit cocky thats mb.
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