Ban Apology (pug)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: pug
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: doombaclart420
Your Roleplay Name: Lewis Hepworth
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:580397853

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.6, 2.5 - User decided to run someone over on purpose at Hicktown, when questioned he claimed it was a demo restart which was a lie

Why should this appeal be considered?: i was driving back with my friend in my escalade and we got to the Hicktown trailer 3 and my game popped up saying demo restart in 1 or 2min i wasn't on about having a demo restart right there and then. I tried my hardest to stop as my friend even said to me watch out there is someone there and as i look back at it he kind off ran in front off my car as he could see that I was coming him and his friend was raiding my home and as soon as i got out my car i said to the other man imp sorry would you like comp and he just pulled his gun out and decided to shoot me and my friend i understand running someone over isn't resalable I just feel like the ban wasn't justified he didn't let me talk or try explain it properly he just removed me straight up i will make sure this doesn't happen again i play this server a lot and know when a ban is reasonable I've been banned in the past and understand when I've done wrong fully.

Additional Information: I didn't have it recorded I don't rly have it on didn't think to as they killed both of us and raided our home before we got there also id like to further apologise on my actions I honestly didn't mean to run that guy over I even offered comp as ik how it feels to get vdm ill make sure this doesn't happen again
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