Ban Apology (Spoon + Efan)

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Sheffield United Kingdom
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Spoon + Efan
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 4 Months

Your Steam Name: DanielRabbit
Your Roleplay Name: Ava Sterling
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:171921643

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User as a medic remained in the area of an active situation that was not clear. When the User witnessed a criminal set bodies on fire with a molotov they called them out on the radio while stood right infront of them, resulting in their swift death // Extended by Efan for 1.1 and 1.4 towards another player on steam despite being told by senior management not to contact him.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello Dear Staff Members Involved in my ban. I understand I have 1 month left of my ban but originally it should have been this month I hope you can understand why I want to come back and eager to make a return to this wonderful and highly developed server. I also have acknowledged the reason my appeal last month was denied. I won't state any facts about 3.4 all I can say sorry about the fact I haven't acknowledged and feel guilt because of this as I have been explicitly told and reminded to acknowledge the rule which I have not at all I have to say is that I have grown up and understand-ed the rule 3.4 and other rules I have been previously Banned, Warned and Blacklisted that includes 2.5, , 1.6 , 1.4 , 3.18 , 1.2, 4.1, 2.3, 3.20, 5.1 and much more. It is something I have regretted from the beginning and will take my actions seriously. I will state the real reason of why I wanted to make this. I will not give the whole story about him but will give some knowledge.

The Start:
About 1 year ago I reported someone who has been disrespectfully rude to me who which got a community resolution. I said to Tyla Jai "can you remove it " I said. And which when that happened was the worst thing that happened to me and I feel remorse.

The Regret I have taken:
Although we got along it was then that he had taken a picture of me without my permissions when I wasn't aware. And when we fell out I mocked him out of rage because of the incident he then used my face and used it as a threat to scare me and win then started to begin making fun of me ,my parents and how I was a " mistake " being born.

I was deeply horrified and had many thoughts. " is he a lunatic ?" " Is he not the person I really know?

" After the following message Efan gave me and demanded which is to remove him from all social media platforms and to not remain in contact with him not longer. I have began deleting him removing any communications and social media apps games ect I had. I was in a sorrow. When I got the message from A1L Stating in his words " Don’t say I didn’t warn you guys, you wanted to continue to speak to each other after I told you guys no, but it was your guys decision " And Efan Said in the Ban Reason I have present now " Extended by Efan for 1.1 and 1.4 towards another player on steam despite being told by senior management not to contact him. "

The Realization I have acknowledged now
I have realized I was not the victim nor the instigator but in the middle of it I was an idiot. I just want to apologize to Senior Management + Off Duty ones / honorary who were involved in this I also apologize to any users involved and who has been affected as well. I am in deep regret and feel guilty for not being " Smart " Enough to make decisions and should of taken the ones which were proposed to me. I want to say this but I would never have been in this situation if I have listened.

The after changes and what am doing now I have made after the report was made and finished :
Blocked him from all socials media platforms + Game Apps.
I told friends to not remain in contact with him and done the same.
Learnt rules I am not well educated in.
Gaining a better reputation on the Perpheads Forums.
Making Videos, Pictures to remain active content from me on the Perpheads Forums.
Now am making my own casino designs for people to buy and use from the VaultCorp.

If this sounds like a dispute or not and apology in anyway. Please do try to understand the path I am trying to take you through. It would be nice if this is read as well.
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