Ban Apology (steelo)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: steelo
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: HighCholesterol_Gaming
Your Roleplay Name: Matthew Adams
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:574053237

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Because of the messeeges i put into ooc.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I understand how chating in ooc about satella isn't right and is extremly disrepectful to her. The only thing i said after steelo told me to stop was "Who doesn't love minors". This was meant in a joking manner as i am a minor myself. I understand that doing the exact opposite from what a admin tells me to do does deserve punishment, but i don't think it requires me to be permantly banned. Ive been playing this game for the past week non stop and I would abbosluty hate to not be able to play it anymore for something so stupid that i shoudn't of done.

Additional Information: I understand a blacklist from ooc but a permant ban? I really enjoy this server. I hope you can see where im coming from. Please apologize to satella for me. I promise to not harras anyone in the furute. This wan't meant as "harrasment" I was just joking around but i beleive that I probably should of stopped a while ago. Also steelo did say "the rizzler" after me asking satella out on a perp date. This was all over a perpdate and NOTHING to do with real life WHAT SO EVER. I understand that a adult doing things with minors is extremmly illegal. I beleive that even Online Dating minors isn't better if not the same thing.
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It wasnt the fact you were chatting in ooc you joked about liking minors, thats the issue here. And you kept flirting with me despite me saying I was uncomfortable BECAUSE you are a minor. I will accept your apology but this behaviour is unacceptable in the future. If steelo unbans you is his choice.
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It wasnt the fact you were chatting in ooc you joked about liking minors, thats the issue here. And you kept flirting with me despite me saying I was uncomfortable BECAUSE you are a minor. I will accept your apology but this behaviour is unacceptable in the future. If steelo unbans you is his choice.
Yeah that was a fucking dick move on my part. I had no intentions of making you feel uncomfortable but me being sorry doesn't make it right. Thank you for accepting my apology.
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