Ban Apology (steelo)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @steelo
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: jeppe.
Your Roleplay Name: Adrian King
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:100609521

Why were you punished?: 3.20 - Disconnected to avoid being mugged.

Why should this appeal be considered?: So long story short, the person that was mugging me while I disconnected had been camping our base for the past 2-3hours like a minge, door camping for raids and circling the base (FARM) spam honking and much more. Once we all decided to leave and disconnect for the day, I was the last one to leave and this guy was still there and managed to get me at gunpoint. Clearly some kind of player targeting if you're asking me after all this time spent camping and harassing. I just couldn't bare dealing with this person anymore so while he was screaming down his mic and spitting (literally) I said "you should fix your mic" and disconnected knowing fully this was a rule break. Overall, I was just so done with this guy and wanted to disconnect. I'm truly sorry for my actions and do understand it has a negative impact on the server, this will never happen again.

I also do not think a whole week ban for this offense is fitting considering I have a very clean record. In my opinion it's a bit extensive for such a rule break.
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Reaction score
sneed's feed & seed

If you believe your ban is excessive, create a staff complaint. Disconnecting to avoid losing items like this won't be met with a simple slap on the wrists.
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