Ban Apology (Super_)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Super_ @Double J
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: Wein Silverstein
Your Roleplay Name: Wein Silverstein
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:160790893

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5, 3.4 - User attempted to Mass-RDM at bazaar after losing money during gambling. Once given a second chance, Evaded police for no reason. //Banned for Enforcer Double J

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hi again, it has been a while since I was last here, let me first say that I hope everyone is having a great day and thank you for taking your time to read this. With that being said lets take a recall back to the day I was banned. I had been acting good for the most part towards staffmembers and other players in the servers, as some of you know I had been taking part of the gambling busniess on the server, I had won a considrble amount of money, wich was indeed good for me, but with the money comes a big responibility as well as risks involved. I was fully aware that gambling had risks with it, so I decided to play, I got robd for close to 800k of money during a gambling session at bazaar (STILL NO EXUCE FOR WHAT I DID!), 2 minutes later I lost all the money, this in connection to the money robd from me made me furious, I flipd out on everyone and just didnt wanna be apart of it. More dumb of me I decided to try to murder everyone around me. The staff was really generous and offered me some of the money back (wich I take as a great compliment and respect towards me), I refused the money, they even keept insiting me that I should relax and take some time off, but I ignored their advice and keept trying to break the server rules out of anger.

In conclusion looking back at everything, I let the emotions of me get the better, I should have known better and being apricative of the staff members trying to advice and help me, but I was disrespectful to them, and I truly regret that thinking back. Sorry to anyone of you that took it personal, just know that it was my emotions that took the better of me, but yet again still no exuse for what I did. I was always fullly aware of my actions and what I was doing and the punishment that comes along with it. I have since been serving 3 month of my punishment and gave it a good time before even trying to apologize, I am fully aware of what I did and I hope you all forgive me for what I did. I am fully aware that I hve caused problems in the past and been a ahole in many ways, but I hope you can see my perspective on the whole thing and understand the reasons for why I got angry and upset.

Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.

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