Ban Apology (TinySlayer)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: TinySlayer
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Skript
Your Roleplay Name: Dexter Akmed
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:160787951

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Cheating & Ban Evading

Why should this appeal be considered?: I would like to start off by directing my honest apologies to Tiny Slayer, my behaviour on perp was definitely not acceptable in any way and I cannot express how stupid I feel for ruining the chances I was given and the amounts of warnings in which I received where I should of already been banned for a long period of time. I thought I would try and cheat as I heard the cheat I was using from a friend wasn't detectible and I wasn't in the best state of mind to have been playing the server in the first place. I can't use the age I was at the time of playing as a sorry excuse to justify my actions but It did not help with the mindset and maturity I had at the time. I took the chance I had to play perp fairly for granted and decided to give myself an unfair advantage among others in which is definitely just unacceptable and I should of never done it in the first place. I deeply regret what I did and I should of never of decided to inject cheats and test perp out with them. I've had nearly 2 years to reflect upon my actions and the severe consequences which were handed to me and fully agree that they were deserved.

I want to apologise for any disrespect that I may have thrown at any staff at the time or players. I, myself was going through things at the time which still to this day I don't want to admit but I had a complete wrong mindset to have to be on perp at the times I was. Being 13/14 it was hard to play gmod as a whole not only perp. I felt like I was targeted for my age and voice at the time which I thought led to me being raided more than most people, this is mainly the stupid reason why I decided to purchase cheats to use on the server. Even with the state of mind I had at the time I still wanted to play perp, it distracted me from real life and helped me as I really enjoyed role-playing on the server. I look back now and can't express how sorry I am for all the hassle I might of caused you all that time back, it was a real pity that I decided to cheat and I never should of, I just wanted to defend my base easier as I would die and lose the hours of grinding I was putting into the server.

My behaviour as a whole could of easily be seen as annoying or disrespect and I can whole heartedly say that I am so sorry for how I acted. I see perp so much different and better than most of the garry's mod servers out there, it was the closest I could get to serious role-play and the amount of effort and different aspects put into perp was just amazing for me.

Perp had it's ups and downs for me but I really enjoyed meeting new people, having a laugh with them on discord and being able to make new friends. It really was a big opportunity to play on the server in which I ruined. I never intentionally broke rules and if I did I was just too young to understand that I needed to abide by the rules closely and read them enough to understand. I decided as soon as I was banned to alt, I thought at the time I would never be unbanned and be able to have the chance to play such a great server again, and I still may be banned for a long time but I just want you to understand that I really have changed and I am not who I used to be.

Due to me not thinking I would ever be unbanned again for cheating I decided to get an alt account to play on, my first attempts failed which made me want to play again even more, but this time without cheating or acting how I used to. The longer I went on the more I wanted to play due to the amount of moments and memories I had on perp and at times how much I enjoyed it. I finally was told a way to evade the automatic ban which I successfully did, didn't use my mic and tried being on my best behaviour to get out of trouble to have another chance, not understanding that I was being unfair on everyone and I definitely should of waited long enough to make an appeal. I never thought about the consequences and the increased time It would add onto my ban and I am so very sorry for ban evading, it was another thing for a staff to have to deal with which they shouldn't have to. I was quickly caught and haven't evaded my ban for probably over a year now.

I definitely caused great inconvenience, annoyance and frustration for the staff and maybe even players and I extremely regret for doing what I did. My mind was at somewhere else at the time, it didn't allow me to think straight and didn't allow me to think about what would happen after my actions. I swear that if I am given the opportunity to come back I will be more kind, respect the rules to the fullest and the community.

Overall I made things more worse than I should of, I didn't help myself getting unbanned anytime soon by ban evading and definitely ruined my chance to play on the server by cheating, I understand that I caused unfairness among players, even if it was only wall hacks I shouldn't of done it full stop. I hope you accept my apologies and I am so sincerely sorry for the way I was at the time, I can't express how much I miss playing on perp, the amazing memories I was able to collect and the amount of different activities I could take part in on perp. I am massively sorry for the trouble I have caused and the only way to make up for it is to show you I have changed for the better.

I apologise deeply for everything I did and take full accountability and I shall never repeat what I did again, I am writing this apology to not only TinySlayer but for the community in which I caused disruption in and the staff in which I caused nuisance and bother for.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I truly hope you can forgive my actions,
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