Ban Apology (Travis)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Travis
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months

Your Steam Name: Awasteoftime
Your Roleplay Name: -
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:95161896

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.2,1.4, 3.1 - User named himself a racial slur twice then continued trolling. You may make a ban appeal if you are ready to play seriously.

Why should this appeal be considered?: So it has been a month and 2 weeks since my ban and I still have 2 weeks left of my 2 months ban. Even though my previous ban appeal got denied and I got told to sit this ban out I still wanted to try 1 last time to appeal. I am going to start with explaining what exactly happened.

So I joined the server and I thought the rules would probably be the same like most DarkRP Gmod servers so I just quickly went trough the rules and I thought I knew enough because i have already played a lot of different DarkRP servers in my time. I spawned and I immediately got greeted by an “Choose an RP name screen” I typed in my steam name because I thought it was fine but before I pressed enter I wanted to test the name menu a bit before I chose a name so just typed in a racial slur and it said I had to choose another name. I was surprised and glad to see that the server had an filter for these kind of bad names so I tested it a bit more and eventually I got taken away by an Admin called Travis. The server did not have an filter, it was an Admin resetting my name the whole time! I did not know that that would happened so I said sorry and I got another chance of choosing an name. I was kind off in a funky and “trying to be funny” mood so I just copied and pasted the whole text screen of the name menu and chose that as a name. The Admin laughed a bit but I could hear that I was not being funny so i just thought I would take it seriously again and I was thinking about an name. I was thinking about it for a pretty long time and I even started to hear that the admins thought I was afk. I was afraid they would kick/ban me because I was “afk” in a sit so I was kind off In a hurry and i just used my steam name and I thought it would be fine. Then I heard something from the Admin but I couldn’t exactly hear what he said so I thought I would just wait until I was being brought back to spawn. It was taking a very long time and I saw another Admin on the roof so I just asked him if he could bring me back and he said in a funny laughing way: “Yeah right after you will get unbanned”. I was panicking and I said “why am i being banned?!” but without discussion I got banned for 2 weeks. My appeal said that I could make an appeal if I could play seriously again so I appealed and I indeed got unbanned.

I got an random name when I joined the server so i send a message to an Staff member and I got another chance to make a name. I indeed thought that AWasteOfTime is not a good real name so I was thinking and eventually I thought that maybe translating my steam name to Latin would make for an awesome name. I got Perditio Tempus when I put it in google translate and I sounded amazing! I thought that the staff would think that I was just trying to evade my name with translating it to Latin but I genuinely thought that it sounded like a real name. If you look online popular Latin names and translate those to English you will get the weirdest and most unfitting names. For example: Agrippina means Colonist, Afra means from Africa and Armida means armed person. All Latin names translated to English sounds weird just like my steam name so I thought it would be fine. Well I guess not. The admin gave me a random name again so I just accepted it and went on playing the server. 5 minutes later I got banned for 2 weeks. Just like my first ban I got banned without any discussion whatsoever. I was mad so I appealed but I got denied. I was extremely mad because I thought my ban was bullshit. My friends where playing the server and I was getting really jealous and I knew that I had another Gmod account so I joined what that account thinking that or I will get kicked/banned for using an alt or I was able to join and play the server. I never intended to be annoying or trying to break the server if it did work to join the server with my alt. I indeed as expected got my alt banned but when I later checked my ban on the perpheads bans tab I saw that my ban from my main account got extended from 2 weeks to 2 months! I now explained everything that happened and that went on my mind so now I want to start the apologies.

As I said in the beginning my racial slurs were never intended to be used in-game but if I offended you in any way because of that then I want to apologize for that. I want to apologize for using my steam name as an RP name. I never intended to say that the server was an waste of time if you thought that but it was just my steam name. I indeed never read the section in the rules that you would need an actual real name so again sorry for that. I really thought that changing my steam name to Latin would be a very good real name like I explained earlier but I guess I was going a bit far fetched with that so I apologize for that. Now lastly the worst thing that I did. The ban evade. I should never have done that. It was really stupid of me and I would never do something like that ever again if i would be banned or denied again. This is the ending of my apologies.

Now I want to say something that I think the admins did wrong. Both of the times that I got banned the admins never went into discussion with me even thought in the beginning of the rules page it says “If an administrator believes you have broken a rule or acted inappropriately, you will be expected to discuss the incident with the administrator”. I was never able to discuss the reasons why I was doing some things so I needed to say my reasons a lot of times in my appeals. It would be nice if the admins would not do something like that again. Now I would not have appealed again if it was not for an certain reason. My winter break of 2 weeks is starting today. If I stay banned for another 2 weeks then that would mean I cant play this server in my break time and that would be very unfortunate because I am very excited to play this server again. If this appeal gets denied again then I will just accept it and wait the last 2 weeks out.

Sorry for this EXTREMELY long appeal but I just had to explain everything that happened so you will hopefully understand everything. Again I am sorry for the things that I did wrong.

With kind regards,


Additional Information: This appeal is for my friend, AwasteOfTime.

I do not usually do this for people who ban evade but given this situation I am willing to lift your ban and give you another chance. The majority of the ban has passed and it seems like you have understood where you went wrong. Merry Christmas.
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