Ban Apology (Travis)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Travis
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: saddybeam
Your Roleplay Name: Quandavious Pond
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:578464138

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Killing someone

Why should this appeal be considered?: The situation started when i noticed a man screaming profanities about the mayor and the police, he then proceeded to throw bottles at cars and police cars so i attempted to arrest him. he started running so i warned him to stop 2-3 times and he didn't so i shot him 2 times. I then restrain him. other police officers arrive at the scene because of shots fired and whilst trying to explain what happened the man was screaming and annoying everyone around us making it impossible for me to tell the tale on what happened. I then shot him in the head ( not killing him), which is completely the wrong thing to do, and i accept that. What i did goes against rules of the server and ask for forgiveness as i am a new player just trying to have fun. Even a couple officers laughed.
as i stated i know im in the wrong but does this warrent a 1 week ban?

This should be taken into consideration for the following reasons:

1) I wasnt even able to talk to an admin. i was auto banned and didnt have the chance to explain myself. This is odd as my friend, who mass rdm'd at bazar killing 7 people, got to talk to an admin. This solidified my fate of the almighty ban hammer.

2) Much worse happens. For example, me and my friend set up in hicktown, and got killed by someone screaming " hail hitler" in our own home.

3) i apologise. i came from less serious dark RP servers that are more goofy than perp heads. i should of realised this, i am sorry. As i have said im a new player getting a hang of everything.

Additional Information: I really started to love this server. I havent enjoyed a server like this in a long time. That is all. Once again i apologise.

I will be lowering your ban length to 3 days given the fact that you're a new player. You do have a warning for 2.5 from 2 days ago , however, which is quite recent. I will admit I should have talked to you about it but I was under the impression, from multiple reports, that you disconnected. I hope you understand what you did wrong.
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