Ban Apology (Unknown - forum)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Unknown - forum
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Months

Your Steam Name: Sorle
Your Roleplay Name: Alfa Ross ? unsure
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51990442

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Causing problems

Why should this appeal be considered?: I'd just like to apologise for my actions. After my server ban - which I went to significant, oftentimes excessive lengths to express my disagreement with - I took on a very uncaring attitude towards the community and the people within it, which resulted in my overall behaviour significantly declining in quality. I decided it appropriate to, as my ban would state, post on MiniRaze's profile with the sole intention of causing problems after he issued punishment that I disagreed with. Before I continue further I would like to issue a direct apology to @MiniRaze - my approach to you was incredibly immature and disrespectful and there's no real justification for the way I treated you, so I'm sorry.

Overall my behaviour towards the community has been rather poor due to my continued disagreements with the way a lot of things happen & a lot of the decisions made. While a lot of the same disagreements may be present, I've learned a lot better to simply accept what comes and be more understanding of the idea that there are multiple sides to any argument/situation - it's not like my way is the right way 24/7 which was a concept I found difficult to grasp for a while. A level of personal growth has occurred allowing me to understand that much better now, and I would like to apologise for my past actions, as I was often very irrational, extreme, and would take very poor courses of actions which ended up blowing situations way out of proportion and overall just disrupting everyone involved unnecessarily.

I don't necessarily plan on making a return any time soon, but I'd much rather just make my peace with the community and be able to interact with people in a respectful manner whenever I decide to pop in to see what's going on; my previous - for lack of a better expression - absolute dogshit attitude will not continue.

Additional Information: I was quite drunk at the time of posting the things I posted - obviously no excuse however it gives slightly more reason to the actions.

Since this occurred I've begun medication for my ADHD and noted myself to be much calmer and less confrontational than I previously was - again, not intended as an excuse, I just believe it to be worthy of note.
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