Ban apology

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Reaction score
The Netherlands
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: Brinch - Resigned @Collier @Madda
How long were you banned for: Permanently

Your Steam Name: Viper
Your In-game Name: Madlyn Beasly
Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:56682481

Why were you banned/blacklisted: I was banned for cheating.

Why should this appeal be considered:

Well, I guess it's time to start off by telling every single one of you that I am sorry. A couple days ago I was looking through some of my old screenshots until I came across some perpheads screenshots, seeing those pictures made me think about what happened nearly 6 years ago and how that whole journey ended.

6 years ago I started looking into more serious roleplay, other than DarkRP all the time, as this got boring. While browsing through the server list I stumbled upon Perpheads (I thought the name was funny looking as a 12 year old kid.) I decided to start playing on the server and while coming from DarkRP I expected to be fairly known with the rules but this turned out to not be the case. I had received my first warnings.


After my first couple warnings and bans I learned how the server worked, learned about growing drugs, raiding, jobs etc. I enjoyed my time on the server for another 3 years while making lots of friends and meeting new people.

All of this went well until something changed, the server didn't feel the same anymore and I started getting bored. Eventually I got an offer that sounded really interesting to me back then, a way to make lots of money on any Garry's Mod server. I started using a cheat in June 2017, not realizing what this meant to others who were trying just as hard to make money AND have fun on the server.

After a couple of days using the cheat it started to get suspicious, even staff members were keeping an extra eye out. Eventually Brinch got to the point where he asked me for my demo files and the part where I got brinched was getting close. Brinch knew enough, the other staff members had also seen enough and the ban came.


I regret using the cheat and ruining the gameplay for other players, but the worst part is that I lied to everyone (and especially my friends) about all of this. My ban was three years ago, and I do now understand that what I have done really was a dick move and that 15-year old me really did not have a brain AND was really ignorant/annoying.

Long story short, I am really sorry to everyone for the gameplay/good times I have ruined and the players I've lied to. I'm glad I got to the point now where I am ready to apologize for all of this, I am not expecting to receive a second choice after all this time but if you're willing to take me back it'd be amazing. Most importantly I would (once again) like to let everyone know I'm sorry for what i've done/. (Also thanks for the people that made the memes and songs about me, they made me laugh today.)

Thanks for taking the time to read my apology.
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