Ban Appeal Lewis Morrissey @Tinyslayer

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Appealing for Lewis Morrissey

Appealing for: Ban

Appeal type: Apology

Which staff member banned you: @TinySlayer

How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name: npc deleter

Your In-game Name: Lewis Morrissey

Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:104867899

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating

Why should this appeal be considered:

I joined perpheads back in 2016 and when I joined the server, I loved it since. I was banned in 2017 3 Years ago for cheating and I remember when I was caught out for it, I knew that my career on perpheads was over and I was devastated to hear myself admit what I did and I am deeply remorseful to everyone who was affected by my actions including the staff members and the players of Perpheads. I am truly sorry for my actions, I knew what the consequences were and I knew full well what I was doing was wrong. I have changed since the time I was banned and I left the ban alone since I was banned in 2017, until now where I feel like I have waited a long time and I believe I am ready to return to the community and show that I have changed.

If I were to be accepted I would like to experience the community once again and play legitimate instead of using cheats. When I was found out I knew it was over and I admitted everything, I know I was told that I would never get the chance to play here again, but I am writing this in hopes that I will be able to play once again and show that I have changed, I hope to come back to the community and re-join the PD And restart my career, I hope if I get accepted this will be a fresh start for me and hopefully be able to play the community again.

I have made many achievements during my time on the server, such as reaching the rank of Corporal which had pushed me to work harder to be a supervisor, I made many friends on the server too, some who I remember but I am sure they won't remember me, I am hoping to once again find my friends in-game and start playing with them once again,

Additional Comment(s):

I hope you all consider my apology, I know when I was banned I let everyone down and I am hoping to get a second chance to play the server and show everyone I changed for the better including Tinyslayer, Ayjay and all those to who I worked with inside the PD, I hope to turn a new leaf and re-make friends who I lost due to my actions on the server.

Thank you for reading,

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