Ban Appeal on behalf of Jack Peterson

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @McGlinchy
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Jack Petersen
Your In-game Name: Jack Peteson
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:74363381

Why were you banned/blacklisted: User has been extremely disrespectful to another community member on steam due to some IC Actions. Extended due to further disrespect on

Why should this appeal be considered: I have been banned for almost 6 months now, well about 4 months now. I will start up with explaining a bit.

4 months ago some stuff happend in a ingame action, with Alex Mills and me, it ended up him arresting me, i believe i disconnected before he could, but I dont remember exactly or if i left after. I started disrespecting him on steam, and calling him a lot of stuff, as I was in a lot of stress and couldnt handle myself as I though.

McGlinchy reached out to me, as I had started disrespecting him due to an ingame Thing, so as I wasnt aware off would still be against the rules, which i know understand why it would be as it would be stupid. Theres No excuse for having an attitude i had, certainly not for the small Thing Alex did following the law as I was breaking the law in game myself and got mad and broke rules after.

After i was banned i started disrespecting @McGlinchy and calling him corrupt and some other stuff. I started to continue on by disrespecting a lot of people i had been fighting with on the forums and disrespecting people and the plpd itself on the site.
In the end i got myself permbanned by Glinchy and AyJay and fucked everything up for myself.

I really want to return to the server again, i miss a lot to play with My friends and I miss the server itself.

Honestly im really terribly sorry for everything ive done.. Ive certainly realised how big a piece of shit i was and I really do Mean My apologise to everyone, a few people have accepted My Apology including Alex Mills or @Nutrient i think his forum name is.

I really just Hope to get another chance, cause i really just miss this server and community...

Additional Comment(s): I hope this will be considered and I promise i will try My Best to be better...
I remember having a conversation with you on discord not too long ago and I've spoken go McGlinchy yesterday.
I think it's safe to say you were just having a bad day but what you did was definitely not okay.
I'm fine with you being unbanned, in fact I want you to be unbanned, just don't do anything stupid like this again :)
I'll lower your ban to 6 months.
Any incidents like this again and you will immediately be back on the ban
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