Ban Dispute (3izu)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: 3izu
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: Emerald
Your Roleplay Name: Eymterasu Yubokumin
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:212435254

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.6, 2.5, 3.4 - User killed an officer unjustifiably. Initially, the user stated that their actions were motivated by a perceived threat to public safety. However, their account of the events changed multiple times. First, they claimed to be acting in defense of a person who called out 10 toes, however, this person already escaped so the user had no reason to kill the officer. Later, their explanation shifted to assisting another player who was being dragged by an officer whom they thought to be an acquaintance however they were not friends at all and this was confirmed by the player themselves, they did this to avoid getting in trouble. The user's narrative lacked coherence and exhibited inconsistency, giving the impression of an attempt to conceal their true intentions. This series of events reflects a lapse in judgment and a poorly thought-out course of action.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I feel like the 3izu made stuff up just to come to a swift conclusion, either due to Bias or lack of care to figure things out, given the fact that he couldn't keep up and excused him self by saying it was "incoherent", even tho i never changed my stance nor narrative and only answered the questions he gave to me and giving my thought on the entire situation.

Additional Information: 1. Was that Marc Doe was shouting 10 toes, giving a justifiable reason to kill the cop.

-Marc Doe was not in the officers car at the time, to which i have not seen due to me being in a rush as previously stated and being in a high stress situation, which is also and understandable error and have also made clear multiple times, ignored by 3izu and only told me to "you didn't check the car" as if i wasn't in a rush to pick up something irl.

2. I've given my stance on Jai, by the interactions i saw with him and Marc Doe at bazaar i connected the dots together that they were friends or knew eachother, hence why my first reaction to the 10 toes was to both people and not only to marc doe. I've also held that stance because Jai came to me for protection as shown in the beginning of the video that i initially send, making me have a back thought that marc doe has told me of him. I had enough evidence and witnesses enough interactions of them doing things together to connect the dots that they were both acquaintances, only being informed later despite all the interactions at bazaar that he wasnt, being a understandable error. This was ignored by 3izu and i've also made that point of view clear multiple times as coherent as possible at the time.

3. As i perceived and heared from the incident, the cop used excessive force and killed a CONFIRMED unarmed suspect by shooting him and beating him to death while cornered, violating SOP and the use of force pyramid. During which the officer violated the use of force pyramid again by shooting at a car for (at my current pov) seemingly random, due to it being regarded excessive force as the car was no danger to anyone around and still being shot at. On top of that, Marc Doe as seen in the video said "Emy, corrupt cop", calling me to his aid, giving me a pretence that the cop at the moment acted unlawfully and dangerously. Ignored by 3izu, told it was faring Marc Doe, not given an explanation if use of force was valid or not, told me it was not my duty and to make an IA... on an actively dangerous cop that shot at anything mildly dangerous to him (what?).

4. I never changed my stance on the issue once. 3izu split up my entire recollection of events in 3 parts, claiming that these 3 parts are separate accounts that i've given, even though my narrative never diswayed from "Eliminate officer -> clean up -> call supervisor -> hand my self in -> go afk to pick something up irl". 3izu sas taken my >thoughts< on Jai and classified it as separate story, even tho he asked me who he was, giving my full recollection and thoughts on him and not a different story.

5. Has brought up the first verbal warning of not involving my self in situations i have nothing to do in, even tho in the situation that i got banned in, i had something to do with, Marc Doe being 10 toes and the Officer violating the use of force pyramid multiple times and being a notable danger to everyone around bazaar.

Marc Doe was not in the officers car at the time, to which i have not seen due to me being in a rush as previously stated and being in a high stress situation, which is also and understandable error and have also made clear multiple times, ignored by 3izu and only told me to "you didn't check the car" as if i wasn't in a rush to pick up something irl.

In relation to Marc Doe, it's your responsibility to ensure he is still in custody before killing cops which he wasn't. Therefore, you no longer had a reason to kill cops and this was your error completely.

I've given my stance on Jai, by the interactions i saw with him and Marc Doe at bazaar i connected the dots together that they were friends or knew eachother, hence why my first reaction to the 10 toes was to both people and not only to marc doe. I've also held that stance because Jai came to me for protection as shown in the beginning of the video that i initially send, making me have a back thought that marc doe has told me of him. I had enough evidence and witnesses enough interactions of them doing things together to connect the dots that they were both acquaintances, only being informed later despite all the interactions at bazaar that he wasnt, being a understandable error. This was ignored by 3izu and i've also made that point of view clear multiple times as coherent as possible at the time.

Moving on, you attempted to break someone out based on an assumption that they were a friend of a friend which was incorrect so this is also no one else's fault apart from your fault. You decided to make an assumption and took the risk by acting upon it. You've even admitted in this reply that you made an error in judgment. You also weren't friends with Jai so I see no reason why you would take the risk to break them out.

As i perceived and heared from the incident, the cop used excessive force and killed a CONFIRMED unarmed suspect by shooting him and beating him to death while cornered, violating SOP and the use of force pyramid. During which the officer violated the use of force pyramid again by shooting at a car for (at my current pov) seemingly random, due to it being regarded excessive force as the car was no danger to anyone around and still being shot at. On top of that, Marc Doe as seen in the video said "Emy, corrupt cop", calling me to his aid, giving me a pretence that the cop at the moment acted unlawfully and dangerously. Ignored by 3izu, told it was faring Marc Doe, not given an explanation if use of force was valid or not, told me it was not my duty and to make an IA... on an actively dangerous cop that shot at anything mildly dangerous to him (what?).

A cuffed suspect got into the vehicle so the Officer decided to shoot it. So yet again you're perceived viewpoint on this situation was incorrect so this attempt at justification is also invalid.

I never changed my stance on the issue once. 3izu split up my entire recollection of events in 3 parts, claiming that these 3 parts are separate accounts that i've given, even though my narrative never diswayed from "Eliminate officer -> clean up -> call supervisor -> hand my self in -> go afk to pick something up irl". 3izu sas taken my >thoughts< on Jai and classified it as separate story, even tho he asked me who he was, giving my full recollection and thoughts on him and not a different story.

You changed your reasoning for shooting the cop multiple times in an attempt to try and justify it and make it seem it was within the rules. This is what he was referring to in regard to the changing of stories. It seems like you know you broke the rules and the reasoning kept changing in order to try and avoid punishment.

Reviewed with @A1L
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