Ban Dispute (a1l)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: a1l
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: cam12198
Your Roleplay Name: Camron Von-Shillton
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:526618069

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.6, 3.2 - User was using a third party application to communicate which affected their in-character decisions.

Why should this appeal be considered?: because i didn't do anything there are logs on everything that i did, my friend may have meta gamed as he admitted but i was on a call the whole time to Dylan over then phone and after the whole incident i ran and sat in the barn to play Tetris in no way did i meta game during the events that took place so i don't see why i was banned for any of it i apologise for his actions but i had no involvment in what he did i did not meta game him over or anything as i said after i killed the officer i recived a report on me for doing so however that was resolved but while all of that was going down this was when alwin decided to make his way over to the scene unknowingly to me as i was sat there after dylan got arrested

Additional Information: my friend may have meta gamed as he admitted but i was on a call the whole time to dylan over then phone and after the whole incident i ran and sat in the barn to play tetris
I’ll change this to a dispute, so was it you or bloke who told him about the shooting then? As he clearly knew from one of you and you guys weren’t speaking to each other really at all. And were you in the call or not?
I was in the call but whenever I get into a rp situation I mute and deafen so does dylan as I asked staff if we can be in a call normally and they said yes but anything rp mute and deafen to be safe and that’s fine by me but one of us probably left a screenshare on as we do shit together when we’re afk I think we were playing flatris at the time while we were afk but when I got into the rp me and dylan were on the phone the whole time and alwin showed up from nowhere so he must have followed a screenshare which I don’t think is valid for my and Dylan’s ban as it’s like someone turning up off a twitch stream I hope you see where I’m coming from but I never use discord for rp only when normal speaking as again I asked staff if I could
I was in the call but whenever I get into a rp situation I mute and deafen so does dylan as I asked staff if we can be in a call normally and they said yes but anything rp mute and deafen to be safe and that’s fine by me but one of us probably left a screenshare on as we do shit together when we’re afk I think we were playing flatris at the time while we were afk but when I got into the rp me and dylan were on the phone the whole time and alwin showed up from nowhere so he must have followed a screenshare which I don’t think is valid for my and Dylan’s ban as it’s like someone turning up off a twitch stream I hope you see where I’m coming from but I never use discord for rp only when normal speaking as again I asked staff if I could

I will ask your friend then how he knew, however what about him knowing that you guys were basing at the office without anyone telling him?
we were both streaming i believe but we normally turn them off when we get into rp but when we arent rping and r just sat in base staff said we are allowed to speak n do shit over discord so we just normally watch yt or play flatris or something to pass time on what we are doing, i asked staff and they said thats all fine but whenever we get into rp to mute and def which me and dylan do but i dont think leaving a stream on is our fault personally its like watching a stream and the person that chooses to go to it would get the meta game but we didnt ask him to come or anything he just turned up off of it