Ban Dispute (Acerius)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Acerius
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name:
Your Roleplay Name: Seke Lupin
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:155681760

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User did not comply and attempted to run away under gunpoint. When the user was shot at and given more chances to comply, the user failed to do so even though it was clear that their life was now in imminent danger, instead deciding to stand out in the open and delay roleplay. Accepted AR:☘.49820/

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello "kind admins" i got banned the other day without the time to tell my side of the story.
When i got mugged the mugger was on whisper so i couldn't hear him properly also when you talk its a slight delay before it come out.
Where for when i heard it i instantly froze in place and put my hands up but when i realized i was being mugged i tried to talk to him.
And i wasnt fully aware Someone was gonna shot him when i saw the clip it didnt look good from hes pov unfortunately i didnt clip it because i didnt think it was needed.
The talk thing can also be ping related i do play on 130 ping daily and dont think the demo captures that.

Additional Information: here is the clip from the muggers POV

You were given the chance to comply and go back inside as you ran out and it was clear you saw him with a gun at you because then you started saying that you were outside, you should’ve complied with his orders
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