Ban Dispute (Allen)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Allen
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 4 Days

Your Steam Name: CentralMint
Your Roleplay Name: frank Silva
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:570859047

Why were you punished?: 3.4

Why should this appeal be considered?: I was involved in an altercation and ended up getting shot at and crashed near the suburbs storage I pulled my gun out and police showed up and pointed a gun at me, I was trying to explain what happened but they weren't listening so I backway from the cop without killing him.

I didn't kill the cop because I ran the risk of not being able to react in a timely manner to the shooters that were following me and I had very limited ammo.

I also didn't know that was a violation of the rules, I was under the impression that if I were to have my weapon out before I was under gunpoint I didn't have to comply with their demands? I mean Allen even stated what I did wasn't a violation but then Allen then states that I'll be getting a ban.

Additional Information: I dint believe I did anything wrong, I got banned because I didn't kill cops according to allen, like what???

Given the circumstances and context of the situation, it would have been in your best interest to surrender and comply with the officer. Refusing to comply at gunpoint while holding a weapon would have necessitated shooting the officer, which, in this case, would be unjustified. If the situation were reversed and you had just shot someone down, leading to a 7-year+ sentence, this dispute would be accepted.

However, you should have complied, as you had no good reason not to cooperate. Failing to comply at gunpoint would have resulted in your death. The officer was extremely lenient, and any officer in this situation would have shot you.

An important thing to note: if players are held at gunpoint while they have a weapon in a passive stance, they are required to make a decision by either resisting and shooting the aggressor or surrendering depending on the circumstance. To reiterate, the circumstance in which you stalled was not reasonable, and remaining in a passive stance for an extended period without a justifiable reason to shoot, such as defending yourself, would violate Rule 3.4.

Reviewed with @SamSN, @steelo, @Oddy and @Aquaa
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