Ban Dispute (blackdown)

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United Kingdom

Punishment Type:
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: blackdown
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: sniper that laughs at wall
Your Roleplay Name: Eric Eichmann
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:98800015

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User ignored gunpoint and ran away while being mugged.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Stood afk at my bazarr shop with give or take 30 players on. Come back to get materials from ragnatech. Start crafting and moving to/from storage. TFU start raiding the bazarr casino 2 doors down(whichever one is bang in the middle). Ashur Jerusalem whatever his name is runs to my shop in the process of going to/from storage-workbench and gunpoints me just outside the doorway of my shop. He tells me to get in. Blackdown admits his intent was to mug me. Mugging rule states:

Players may not be forced to move out of public view under gunpoint prior to the mugging.

Bazarr is one of if not the busiest areas of the city. He is pulling a gun out in the front of my shop and forcing me into the back(apparently this is not kidnapping either). Bear in mind at the same time there are also no less than four TFU running all over the place to and from the front and back of Bazarr 3(?) which they are raiding. Blackdown says that this part of the mugging rule 'doesn't count' because I was just outside my doorway. He also says this does not count as kidnapping despite me being moved from a to b, at gunpoint, and against my will. I ignore his commands and lock him inside my shop as it was an invalid mugging breaking a myriad of rules. I make an F6 about an invalid mugging. He then kills himself with a grenade trying to kill police. In short, the rules broken:

- 2.1(Running through an active shootout at bazarr, armed, to run to the other end and mug someone)
- 3.4(Committing a violent or serious crime, such as murder, theft, arson, etc. whilst knowing that police are in direct eyeshot of the scene you wish to commit the crime at.) - Blackdown says this does not count, as the police were centimetres out of eyeshot, despite them running all around bazarr as they moved to and from the back exit of the store they were raiding(with four officers being present infront of my shop less than five seconds after the incident takes place).
- 5.1 - moving me from a very public area to a private area with the intent of mugging, especially with heavy police presence. The back door to my shop is locked open 24/7 and not something he can close on a whim.
- Debatably 5.6 based on what you define as kidnapping. I count being forcefully put in transit from point A to point B against your will, no matter the distance, is kidnapping. The rule says you cannot be kidnapping and mugged simultaneously.

Therefore I ignored his gunpoint, made an F6 and he got smoked by the same officers mentioned in this appeal. Banned for one week. Rules aside this guy should avoid robbing bazarr sellers at low pop by running up to them halfway through crafting/selling to mug them. Hardly impressionable.

Additional Information: Dispute posted on behalf of Eric Eichmann since he is unable to post.

Please can you get the user to supply evidence to actually dispute his ban. He has 24 Hours to do so else this will be closed.
@Double J "blackdown and ashur have the video. the video is what blackdown used to ban me so there should be no issue in providing it", he is asking for blackdown to provide the video evidence.
You were standing in a doorway, and I was gunpointing you there for 10 seconds, there was nobody infront of your shop or near that could've seen me, if you had complied inmediately I would've never been caught, and it was night time, and there's a gun at your head, so comply.


After a conversation with @Super_, we have come to the decision to deny you dispute.
Even if another user is, allegedly, breaking the rules, it does not justify you breaking the rules yourself. You should continue roleplay and then make a report afterwards. The video provided within the ban comments blatantly shows you breaking 3.4 because @Ashur tried to force you inside.

You are welcome to make an apology when you feel you are ready to come back.
Reviewed with @Super_
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