Ban Dispute (bnej)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: bnej
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Less than 1 Day

Your Steam Name: akemi
Your Roleplay Name: Jamal Dinkleburg
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:55607566

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 5.1: Mugged another player in a public area by gunpointing the player in the stairwell of slums whilst their friend took items from them

Why should this appeal be considered?: Because me and my friend were raiding and he told me be careful of who comes in and hold the stairs and i had my pistol out which i was holding with an a person came in and he wasnt armed so i said put ur hands up and leave the building to then which my friend comes down and for some reason zip ties him and strips him off everything and im not sure to why i was banned as i didnt rob anyone or take any items or anything i was just protecting the raid
and if i wasnt in the wrong i want a very heart felted apology from the admin that banned me

I'm normally not supposed to handle my own disputes, however after rewatching the evidence and I can see this as being a possibility. I'm granting you the benefit of the doubt here, Your ban has been removed.
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