Ban Dispute (CONSOLE)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: CONSOLE
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: tanoV12
Your Roleplay Name: Tano Oremar
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:5175176

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: i was banned yesterday for 1 day and im wait and login today its finish but i login to the server and i get perma ban from console its for what pls check and fix it my nick name is Tano Oremar

Why should this appeal be considered?: Sindarin KNOW BECAUSE ITS SYSTEM FAILURE i was banned yesterday for 1 day and im wait and login today its finish but i login to the server and i get perma ban from console its for what pls check and fix it my nick name is Tano Oremar have a one more questions and account of my brother too get banned its for what i want to try with account of my brother and i see banned but we dont anything i was just take 1 day ban im wait for finish its finished and i login and banned

Additional Information: Sindarin know i just have 1 day ban its system failure fix it and help me please thank you :)

You are not telling the truth here. Sindarin banned you for 1 day in which you connected the server during your ban on this account:

When your main account rejoined the system knew you had used the mentioned account to evade your ban. It then banned your main account. By alt accounting you have created a loop.

I'll have a chat with the others to see if we unban you considering you are lying in this Dispute when you did actually evade during your ban.