Ban Dispute (Dank)

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Reaction score
BLACKPOOL (Sophie Aspins neighbour)
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Dank
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Months

Your Steam Name: Bonquiqui Mandela
Your Roleplay Name: Bonquiqui Mandela
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:154658662

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: User shot a users car for no reason. Then came up with a different story in the admin sit

Why should this appeal be considered?: 4 main reasons are definitely,
Dank lied in the Admin sit and after the admin sit on team-speak
i never got time to explain my story i was called a liar (i didn't lie i have proof of that).
Probably the worst part about it is and that is the final reason, the one part about my story that i did explain to dank got shutdown by a lie when i asked him in to check logs he said that he did, he also told me the logs showed i was a liar.

so lets start off with the first part, it all started out with Dank pulling me up to a rooftop asking me about the situation, i shot jay Hatch his tires. in my opinion at the time i had all the reason to do so, Jay snitched me to the police resulting in me almost losing my gun and he drove into me multiple times however im not disputing 2.5 since i can see now i did break that rule.

this is what went down on the rooftop: Dank asked me about the situation, he asked me why i shot the tires of a dead man, i replied i thought jay was just unconscious and not dying since there was a medic coming towards the scene (i thought i heard sirens and saw lights). to this Dank replied no that is not true there was no medic on duty claiming i lied... i said im not 100% sure anymore but i was like 99% sure there was a medic i tried to explain that to dank but he kept on going that there was no medic on duty in any time near Jay hatch's shooting or me shooting the tires. finally i asked Dank to check to logs and pull me back when he was done. he froze me on the roof started calling me a liar and said i was receiving me a 2 month ban saying he checked the logs and there was no medic. from then i logged off because he said the situation was done and i was getting a 2 month ban to my surprise the ban eventually was 3 months. i never got to explain my side of the story to dank the only thing he did was lie about it, he lied about the whole situation, he never checked the logs himself but he said he did or he did and lied about the logs, this man i not capable of being mod in perp its clear now for everyone he has been targeting me since the last time i made a staff complaint on him and it got accepted.

AGAIN IM NOT APPEALING FOR 2.5 I AM APPEALING FOR 1.4 which gave me the outrageous ban length Dank gave me,
people that Massrdm get less of a ban then i do for example this guy did 1.4 and 2.5 got a month ban while dank states he has no intention to RP. starts around tick 48000 to see medic car thats the evidence where you can see Dank lied about the situation. start at around tick 44000 for the whole sit from start to end for Dank the liar

Contact me for the names of the mods i was with when Dank started screaming and lying to me in TS

one crucial thing i forgot to mention is that, Dank states i gave him a story and changed it in the ban reason, however this is not the case and can be seen in the Demos i litteraly tell Dank i thought i saw a medic he claimed there was never a medic on duty and calls me a liar and i tell him again well now i m not 100% sure anymore but i thought i saw one, he keeps saying im lying i never changed the story this is another lie by dank

Additional Information: also an additional note: Dank said in the teamspeak channel towards me with multiple staff members that can confirm this that he stalked me for 3 hours straight... he told me the only thing he did was watch my every move three hours long... instead of helping the community he just targeted me because he dislikes me. its really sad that people actually watch me play perp for three hours like its a twitch stream atleast tip me for the fun time i give you.
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@Misel @A1L and I were in the channel and I am sure they will back me up on this. I did not hear Dank scream or shout once. I didn’t care about the situation nor do I care to comment on it as this is not my area but I think you should amend your dispute as Dank was calm the entire time.
The 1.4 part of the ban will be removed and your ban will be reduced. There is no way for you to know whether there was 100% a medic on duty at the time or not and it is rather a case of you being mistaken than a lie, thus not proving 1.4.​
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