Ban Dispute (@dave - @keiwaM)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Dave - @KeiwaM
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: GainAxe
Your Roleplay Name: louie gonzalves
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:226391237

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - Failed to comply with gunpoint // Extended by KeiwaM:

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello Dave, KeiwaM and other staff members looking through this,

This should be considered as an apology but mostly dispute, as I know that this is an extremely unlucky situation, but also that it was in the heat of the moment, and not meant to be straight up 3.4.

I have been banned for 6 months due to the deal me and KeiwaM made 2½ months ago, and I respect that deal, I just believe that in this situation, it is too harsh to give me such a punishment.

In the clip you see me driving away from hicktown after raiding, where I had just gp'ed this dude, as I was raiding so he fled and i go a little after, to transport the drugs.

My thoughts during the clip, is that I realize he is gonna do something, in my head it looks like he is gonna counter the raid (me transporting). And when he stops my car with his, I jump out and on mistake pull out my physgun, within the frustration I spam my primary slot, and I pull out my spas right after.

I understand that you have to keep a tight seal on the rules, and enforce them as you need to, but in this particular situation, I would say that:

1st. I had just gp'ed the dude at hicktown, making sure he wasn't countering, so my thoughts when he does this, is that he is going to kill me. Its only when I'm pulling my spas out, that I hear "hands up", and that's where its too late.

2nd. In my mind, I pull out my shotgun when I pull out my physgun, so I think I'm safe already there, but I keep spamming and it goes to my spas instead, I could understand if I blatantly broke 3.4 denying to put my hands up, or switching from keys to my gun under gp, this is a honest mistake, and I believe it should be treated that way.

3rd. When we combine the 2 above, my situation is explained, and in my eyes this was a try to counter the raid, which is think is just "shoot on sight", as he saw me load in the planters, and begin transporting directly after i gp him to make sure he doesn't counter.

To this I believe there is 2 stories, and that both are equally explainable, and that they both make sense. I see that the person that reported me, would see this as 3.4, so would i, if i was in his shoes. But you have to understand that my side is different, and that it was a honest mistake, and there was other thoughts in my head at the time of the incident than him mugging me.

With all that said, im sorry if i ruined his experience, but the thoughts in my head were that he was countering, and i had already pulled out my gun (which i realised was my physgun).

Additional Information: Thank you for reading this dispute/apology, I know it is quite long, but I wanted to make sure I got the most of my side of the story into it!
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AS the reporter,i accept your apology cause i dont reckon if we would have mugged you it would have increased my experience considering PLPD showed up like 2 mins after , if you stop with your toxicty and get your org members to lay off, im fine with the unban but its not my decision lol
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slums 5
AS the reporter,i accept your apology cause i dont reckon if we would have mugged you it would have increased my experience considering PLPD showed up like 2 mins after , if you stop with your toxicty and get your org members to lay off, im fine with the unban but its not my decision lol
Thank you, i thought of putting an apology in for the person who reported me (which is you), but as i didnt know the name, it was pretty hard to do so. But thx, this was also meant to you, and i hope that you can see my side of the situation. <3

PS. ima keep calm btw dw
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The Eras Tour

The rulebreak happened. Turning around and spamming CTRL does not give you immunity against gunpoint and you saw the player pointing a gun at you therefore the ban you received is valid.

As you admit, you agreed to receive a lengthy ban for any following 3.4 breaches, so that is exactly what you received and it's by no means "too harsh". If you don't want to risk a lengthy ban don't agree to it... Or ya know, just don't break the rules.

Reviewed with @A1L @SamSN @Ellie
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