Ban Dispute (Efan)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Efan
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: frostedflakes
Your Roleplay Name: getrude smokes
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:235576355

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: becuase i was trying to help someone not lose their items by shooting through a door in the place they were getting robbed and soon after i went afk for 5minutes

Why should this appeal be considered?: I don't know if Efan thinks hes funny or he is just an actual idiot but he extended my ban to a month from 2 weeks because he read my other dispute and said I have no regards for the rules, he obviously didn't know the story or something because he didn't care about what I had to say and didn't care that I got banned for 2 weeks for what I did. Like why extend the ban if the punishment was already set.

Additional Information: why extend the ban, ill probably make a staff report.
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United Kingdom
You weren't banned for what you put in your dispute, it is for this reason according to scambans:
3.4, 2.5, 3.16 - User began mag dumping into a bazaar shop while a mugging was ongoing, resulting in him killing an unarmed player who he was allegedly "chill" with, but didn't even know their name. After seeing that the people he shot at were running towards him in bazaar, he quickly sat down on a chair and went "afk", ignoring commands under gunpoint resulting in his death.

also you can't dispute a length of a ban, so make the complaint and not call him an idiot maybe?
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You weren't banned for what you put in your dispute, it is for this reason according to scambans:
3.4, 2.5, 3.16 - User began mag dumping into a bazaar shop while a mugging was ongoing, resulting in him killing an unarmed player who he was allegedly "chill" with, but didn't even know their name. After seeing that the people he shot at were running towards him in bazaar, he quickly sat down on a chair and went "afk", ignoring commands under gunpoint resulting in his death.

also you can't dispute a length of a ban, so make the complaint and not call him an idiot maybe?
didnt call him an idiot ask him if he was one also the reson a made this dispute because he extended it for no reson he thinks he knows what i did but he doesent have the full story
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didnt call him an idiot ask him if he was one also the reson a made this dispute because he extended it for no reson he thinks he knows what i did but he doesent have the full story
Maybe you should upload some evidence of what you did then
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You weren't banned for what you put in your dispute, it is for this reason according to scambans:
3.4, 2.5, 3.16 - User began mag dumping into a bazaar shop while a mugging was ongoing, resulting in him killing an unarmed player who he was allegedly "chill" with, but didn't even know their name. After seeing that the people he shot at were running towards him in bazaar, he quickly sat down on a chair and went "afk", ignoring commands under gunpoint resulting in his death.

also you can't dispute a length of a ban, so make the complaint and not call him an idiot maybe?
didn't call him an idiot ask him if he was one also the reason a made this dispute because he extended it for no reason he thinks he knows what i did but he doesn't have the full story. also what i did seriously doesn't deserve a MONTH ban like seriously it was barley anything compare to what i see people with 2 week bans do.
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This looks like you should make a staff complaint if you feel like it's unfair or if you want to dispute the lenght of the ban if you believe it's false or targeted in any way.
Staff complaints is always handled by admin+ and usually the head admin and if the person you make a complaint of can not see it even if he would be an admin+ to make sure that it will be unbiased and honest.

When you make a normal dispute like this, you must provise some kind of proof to show that the ban in valid; that what happened is not what's displayed in the banreason. Hope this helped a bit
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United Kingdom

You've already disputed this punishment and it was denied, unless you have any additional evidence suggesting the ban is incorrect there is no need for this dispute.

As several staff have said already, if your problem is with @Efan's actions, make a staff complaint.
If you want to ask why he extended your ban, you can contact him directly or I'm sure it will be explained in a staff complaint, but that is not the purpose of a ban dispute.
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