Ban Dispute (Ellie)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months

Your Steam Name: [L4GY] Alexzander
Your Roleplay Name: Imre Wilson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:73548468

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Arguing, apparent bad report?

Why should this appeal be considered?: I was in an argument with someone when Ellie decided to throw comments around where they weren't needed in an already heated altercation, I'm aware we were both disrespectful to one another me more so than her but it wasnt needed, had she of ignored it or got on with her business it wouldn't have come to this, as far as the 'bad report' goes ive only ever had 2 bans before this and my first one was of course from ellie again, shes never let the first altercation we had last year go even though i served a 3 month ban for it, i feel its unfair for me to punished for 2 months due to bad blood and pettiness, another reason on the ban was 'no intention to roleplay' yet thats all i've been doing so im not sure on that one as i've played loads recently and based for many hours to build money up, im asking for the ban to be lifted or reduced, if this is done ill defiantly make a conscious effort to tone it down.

In order for your dispute to be dealt with, you will have to upload evidence of the situation, can you upload a clip of the alleged argument please?

On top of this, if you believe @Ellie has been targeting you, I suggest you make a staff complaint instead of mentioning it in a dispute

You can do so by filling the following form :
I wasnt recording this but there were a few witnesses there Chet fransisco being one of them, i tried to resolve the issue in a sit but she was having none of it and was hell bent on banning me, 2 months is lengthy for an argument which could have been avoided
You can use your demo file : perpheads_demo_2022-12-3 15-00-38

If possible it would be even better for your friend @Want Fransisco to upload his demo so we can hear what you say: perpheads_demo_2022-12-3 14-37-29
In otherwords do i have to have some sort of recording? would you not say 2 months for an argument which entailed no racism or bigotry is fair?
In otherwords do i have to have some sort of recording? would you not say 2 months for an argument which entailed no racism or bigotry is fair?
Yes, you have to get a recording. Otherwise its just your word against a Staff Member's
I told you to make a staff complaint but you said you don't care enough but I guess here we are.

I removed your friends car because he continuously rammed cars, and it should be the end of that but you decided to follow me around, insulting me and saying that you want to slit my throat when you argued OOC. Your short fuse and how your acting on the server is not acceptable and I told you this in the sit, but then you continued to be uncooperative and insulting.
Firstly he rammed the cars due to a major fps drop which he mentioned to you and your response was 'ill do what the fuck i want' secondly those words you've phrased were not aimed at you at all this is all a case of your word against mine? i made valid points in the sit as to your staffs reactions of being silent listening to what i had to say and completely proved you wrong in every way, its very clear you haven't let the past go as every time we encounter each other its brought up, i feel you need to stop holding grudges if you want to be a likeable person/ good staff member, i may have been rude to you as you were to me too but some things you've quoted are unjust, the first response on your reply clearly highlights how petty you are 'I told you to make a staff complaint but you said you don't care enough but I guess here we are' stooping to low levels of immaturity and biasness isnt how you act as a staff member, in my grand total of 3 bans 2 have been from you and all have been way too legnthy for what they're for.
@Imre Wilson will you upload the evidence or not? The goal of a dispute is not to argue and slander people without evidence.

I already explained the steps you must take to make a Staff Complaint but this thread is only here to evaluate the validity of your ban and for that, we need evidence.

Please provide said evidence within 24 hours.
I've already said i dont record, its a little silly how i need video evidence to prove that what shes saying isn't entirely true, that way she can just accuse me and ban me for anything and if theres no recording then what? what makes her word more true than mine? because she has staff written in her bio? do find that rather unfair but its a big wake up call to record my gameplay from now, very unjust system you have here
I've already said i dont record, its a little silly how i need video evidence to prove that what shes saying isn't entirely true, that way she can just accuse me and ban me for anything and if theres no recording then what? what makes her word more true than mine? because she has staff written in her bio? do find that rather unfair but its a big wake up call to record my gameplay from now, very unjust system you have here

Perpheads uses Garry's Mod demo record function. The ones from Perpheads can be found at: steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\data\phdemos
The necessary information is in the demo named perpheads_demo_2022-12-3 15-00-38
I've already said i dont record, its a little silly how i need video evidence to prove that what shes saying isn't entirely true, that way she can just accuse me and ban me for anything and if theres no recording then what? what makes her word more true than mine? because she has staff written in her bio? do find that rather unfair but its a big wake up call to record my gameplay from now, very unjust system you have here
You can send your demo which is automatically recorded by the server in your gmod folder under PHdemos

No evidence was provided. Feel free to make another dispute once you are willing to provide evidence
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