Ban Dispute (Mim)

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in a basement
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Mim
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 4 Days

Your Steam Name: Ashur
Your Roleplay Name: Bobby-Fin Nokeyz
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:214812816

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User evaded from cops over a parking ticket, ultimately unintentionally leading them to people selling drugs causing a shootout.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I evaded because Flux said he had 500 drugs on him, and then I went to Mcuwes, when I came there, someone shot the Jennifers' window for no reason and set off the alarm, making cops respond, and eventually leading to a cop being shot because he attempted to arrest someone with drugs on them. I would've taken the ticket if he gave it to me, but clearly he got shot before he did, I was inside of mcuwes with my car parked doing literally nothing\

The reason why it was accepted was because I lead them to it, when I didn't, because the person set off the alarm, resulting in them finding that guy who sold (which wasn't me) and then him shooting it because they night sticked him, and Kay wasn't in my car, he was already selling the past few minutes, this sit COULDN'T of been avoided due to the person shooting the window of Bussines Jennifer's

Additional Information: Evidence of the alarm: 3.4 - User evaded from cops over a parking ticket, ultimately unintentionally leading them to people selling drugs causing a shootout.

Reaction score
in a basement
Here is the demo of the window being shot, rather than me leading the cops to us, because the cops clearly lost me by going off the subs off ramp in the 1st video, however, the BURGLAR Alarm made by the person who shot the window, made the cops run towards the guy that was selling, resulting in a shootout.

Me evading over a ticket (Flux said he had 500 drugs on him so I just drove away as soon as he got in the car thinking the cop gave me the ticket) had nothing to do with the shootout being caused

This CLEARLY shows I did not lead the cops there (Also shown in FARSTAD'S video if he didn't remove it, because he LOST me because I went straight and not off the off-ramp, and then some1 shot the window, resulting them to go there, and leading to a shootout I DID NOT CAUSE!
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After a big discussion involving (@curak , @Double J , @Misel and ultimate ruler @blackdown ) we all agreed that the second part of the ban was invalid, it has not much to do with the situation, however you broke 3.4 fair and square and you agree to this too. Therefore after a 2-2 and a final decision from @blackdown we decided to lower the ban to 3 days in order to better match the description

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