Ban Dispute (Mini)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Mini
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: Charlie
Your Roleplay Name: Jay Giles
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53915099

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4

Why should this appeal be considered?: I was barely even given a chance to comply with them telling me to put my hands up. It was 4-4.5 seconds from when i left the car to when i got killed. First i tried to explain to them i was not a part of why they where mugging me or w/e, then i tried to click c to surrender but i was dead before i had the chance. IMO this is not a fair ban as I was barely given time to comply with them.

Additional Information: my pov
you had more than enough chance to comply yet didn't and kept saying 'i was just watching' instead of complying
4 seconds is enough? you can see i literally stood back when i realised i moved forward. I legit clicked C at the moment i was shot. Imo 3 day ban for that is some bs. It sometimes takes 2-3 seconds just to find the surrender option in the menu. How can 4 seconds be deemed enough time for that?
4 seconds is enough? you can see i literally stood back when i realised i moved forward. I legit clicked C at the moment i was shot. Imo 3 day ban for that is some bs. It sometimes takes 2-3 seconds just to find the surrender option in the menu. How can 4 seconds be deemed enough time for that?
trim your clip more...
did that on purpose so they could see the amount of time i was given
and you also conveniently cut the videos audio out so they couldn't hear us saying out of the car with your hands up the entire time too?
my clip is entirely us saying out with hands up and its 11 seconds long, idk how slow your reflexes are but damn
the guy in that clip is saying hands while im sat in a car, like what am i meant to do lmao
Also, i didn't cut out the audio. i use radeon replay and it doesn't pickup audio idk why
the guy in that clip is saying hands while im sat in a car, like what am i meant to do lmao
I'd suggest exiting the vehicle without trying to start conversation about your involvement and putting your hands up
I'd suggest exiting the vehicle without trying to start conversation about your involvement and putting your hands up
was in process of putting hands up but i was given 4 sec? lol dude was just too trigger happy
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