Ban Dispute (Aquaa)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Aquaa
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Months

Your Steam Name: pro_leqq
Your Roleplay Name: jamie dyett
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:550769627

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4, 1.6 - User threw a bottle at an armed individual who had their weapon out for absolutely no justifiable reasoning, and this led to them being killed. When questioned about the incident, he said that he was essentially "protecting" an old friend of his, who had absolutely no clue who he was. After realizing that he was going to get caught in a lie, he began switching up his story saying that he aimed the bottle at the wrong guy, although there was no one else involved who throwing a bottle at would make sense. Absolutely abhorrent record for 3.4 and fails to learn, and tried to deceive me when questioned about the report - These influenced the longer length in ban.

Why should this appeal be considered?: User threw a bottle at an armed individual who had their weapon out for absolutely no justifiable reasoning, and this led to them being killed. When questioned about the incident, he said that he was essentially "protecting" an old friend of his, who had absolutely no clue who he was.
Wangcarter Won, A good guy with a nice little store where he sells daily drinks like cola and beer , with as side snack fish was the place where i bought the beer. He got this shop open (from my perspective) since the day that i got unbanned where i sometimes bought a snack. Today was another day and i bought all the beer that he was selling for a small price. ''Thank you Jamie'' was he's responds.

The person was Chi long-Qua (same friendzone as i thought he was with Wangcarter Won). he was being gunpointed earlier in bazaar by a person (Haris Romeo) that was teaming with the armed civilian, Matt Grand. Haris romeo started gunpointing him, beating him and pushing him in the bazaar the whole time for absolutely no justifiable reason. He later brought him close to a nearby store where Chi long-Qua holded he's weapon to he's side for safety reasons (also alerted me to step in between) while Haris romeo tried to mug him with zipties while he's colleague Matt Grand was standing behind him with a weapon if anything was getting out of hands. i warned him not to act out in any danger by throwing a bottle at him what made him bleed. he could'nt see me as i was coming up from behind and had a tactic to distract the person into hoping that they would leave them alone. I was about to run but he already turned around and saw me immidiantly. He was watching me for a few minutes and then out of nowhere shot me in my leg. I killed him and then later he's friend came to me and killed me.

After realizing that he was going to get caught in a lie, he began switching up his story saying that he aimed the bottle at the wrong guy, although there was no one else involved who throwing a bottle at would make sense.
it was not clear what situation you where talking about as alot happend on that day. i had a different situation with a guy before that i was basing with, my friend Kevin. I found it irrelevant to tell you he's full name as you wheren't wanting to answer the question that i asked you but he's full name is Kevin-Desmetrius Coxk, He's in my in game phone number and speak the same language as i do. Jerisha Brown was the person i threw the bottle at as i thought i did while i didn't mean to hit her. He was a old friend as he was banned for a month and was just 3-5 days back. I saw Kevin grabbing my box of weed and thats why i threw a bottle at him . later did Jerisha come in the same situation and started threatening him because he did the same thing with her planters. which made me throw another bottle at her.

. Absolutely abhorrent record for 3.4 and fails to learn, and tried to deceive me when questioned about the report - These influenced the longer length in ban.
please explain how i ''deceive'',

also, i do learn from my mistakes. only problem is that breaking 3.4 is common and happens all the time. i find it unclear when 3.4 counts or doesn't count. for me was it unexpected to get banned for throwing a bottle just as i got back in the server and found this very annoying as i enjoy the server alot.

Additional Information: X
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The person was Chi long-Qua (same org as Wangcarter Won).

Are you sure Mr. Long-Qua is in the same org as Wangcarter Won, and have you ever based with him or talked with him before to establish some sort of friendship?

He later brought him close to a nearby store where Chi long-Qua holded he's weapon to he's side for safety reasons (also alerted me to step in between)

Are you sure Mr. Long-Qua took a gun out in the shop? Please answer my question above because you only should have intervened if you personally knew Mr. Long-Qua...
it was not clear what situation you where talking about as alot happend on that day. i had a different situation with a guy before that i was basing with, my friend Kevin.

I find it funny how you are still trying to lie and claim ignorance when you knew fully well what situation we were talking about. In our message you said that your "friend" told you that he didn't get threatened, and that someone else did so you threw the bottle at the wrong guy, but in your dispute here you're saying you threw a bottle at kevin because he was touching your weed planters. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and it would honestly just be better for you if you to come clean and stop lying at this point.
Are you sure Mr. Long-Qua is in the same org as Wangcarter Won, and have you ever based with him or talked with him before to establish some sort of friendship?
I have talked with him but not on that day, maybe but not as i can remember. Long-Qua and Won do have a relation, as i help Won for he's good service i help he's friends intrade for protection. You do know that i just got unbanned from 2 week ban.
Are you sure Mr. Long-Qua took a gun out in the shop? Please answer my question above because you only should have intervened if you personally knew Mr. Long-Qua...
he toke a gun out when he was getting ziptied. you can see in the clip that i have as in evidence.
I find it funny how you are still trying to lie and claim ignorance when you knew fully well what situation we were talking about. In our message you said that your "friend" told you that he didn't get threatened, and that someone else did so you threw the bottle at the wrong guy, but in your dispute here you're saying you threw a bottle at kevin because he was touching your weed planters. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and it would honestly just be better for you if you to come clean and stop lying at this point.
I don't find it funny at all and don't claim ignorance. Again, i was very confused in what situation we where talking about. Now i fully understand who and what i can react simple. I found it annoying how you treat me as in person, In my perspective you're just trying to get me banned everytime as soon as i got unbanned. and this all because i made a ia about you. ignorance is what you show when i try to message you, but you ignore.
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I have talked with him but not on that day
In case you haven't realized, I am Chi Long-Qua. We have never spoken, we are not friends, we have never had any interaction with each other. You can not assume that every chinese person is in the same org lmao, in fact we are rivals.

Again, i was very confused in what situation we where talking about.
No you weren't. Show the messages from your friend last night :)

In my perspective you're just trying to get me banned everytime as soon as i got unbanned.

How? I don't follow you around and spectate you waiting for a rulebreak, you received a server report and I dealt with it.
No you weren't. Show the messages from your friend last night :)
I can't, it was on snapchat and messages get deleted when not saved.
In case you haven't realized, I am Chi Long-Qua. We have never spoken, we are not friends, we have never had any interaction with each other. You can not assume that every chinese person is in the same org lmao, in fact we are rivals.
i have met someone with a close name like yours and so is that maybe a different guy. While i still noticed he had the same black clothes. We do have spoken.
How? I don't follow you around and spectate you waiting for a rulebreak, you received a server report and I dealt with it.
you dealt with it by giving me 3 months. everytime i talk with you i get no sign of respect. last time i was still talking in the f6 and you randomly changed your mind to just close it. You gave me 3 times +2 weeks ban length in all of my bans. and these are the highest numbers that i see when i look at it. In these messages you also like to exaggerate alot which only makes me feel worse. As i don't intend to keep breaking 3.4.
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Because you essentially tried telling me that you and I were old friends, not knowing it was me in that situation. I asked you who your friend was, and it took you 4 minutes of on-and-off typing to say that ohhh, it was actually someone else because you realized you got caught in a lie.

You remained extremely hesitant to name your friend throughout the majority of our conversation until you decided to make up a new story about a different situation that made absolutely no sense in relation to your original justification.

As if this wasn’t all already enough, you admitted to lying after I told you that I don’t know why you tried lying about being friends with me, and you said something along the lines of because you didn’t want to get banned again - but of course, you deleted this message along with many others, and this is why I take screenshots.

So let me ask you one final question in regards to what I said above, @pro_leqq did you or did you not tell me that you lied because you didn’t want to get banned again?
As if this wasn’t all already enough, you admitted to lying after I told you that I don’t know why you tried lying about being friends with me, and you said something along the lines of because you didn’t want to get banned again - but of course, you deleted this message along with many others, and this is why I take screenshots.
please share the screenshots. As i personally sometimes delete messages when i found them irrelevant and that they didn't had to do anything with the situation. Also wasn't i sure with what i should or shouldn't send if they maybe are out of the subject and so irrelevant. I commenly do this and is generally normal for me to do so.
Because you essentially tried telling me that you and I were old friends, not knowing it was me in that situation. I asked you who your friend was, and it took you 4 minutes of on-and-off typing to say that ohhh, it was actually someone else because you realized you got caught in a lie.
we where as i thought we where.

when i asked you a question or asked for a favor you didn't hesitated and was going right for it! Because of the situation right now things might have changed and you maybe do have a different view on me.

I did knew it was you as i already made a report about you in a ia. 1687011169408.png
So let me ask you one final question in regards to what I said above, @pro_leqq did you or did you not tell me that you lied because you didn’t want to get banned again?
I said nothing about lying. you keep saying that i am lying. How hard is it to trust a person? or is it just me that you can't trust for personal reasons? I am trying my best to play on the server again with proof and you can't resist catching me lying.

And this all because i threw 1 bottle on someone.
please share the screenshots.
I have done so in a private avenue for whatever staff member(s) are going to deal with this.

we where as i thought we where.

when i asked you a question or asked for a favor you didn't hesitated and was going right for it! Because of the situation right now things might have changed and you maybe do have a different view on me.

All of this has 0 relevancy to the part of the message you quoted me on, and how have I treated you any differently? I haven't been disrespectful to you at all.

I did knew it was you as i already made a report about you in a ia.

You did not, otherwise you would have known we weren't friends and you wouldn't have tried "protecting" me, considering we have never interacted as civilians.

If you seriously think I am witch hunting you over a comment card then I don't have anything else to say for this dispute. I am going to lock the thread as you keep throwing in a plethora of unrelated information and are continuing to make this even more of a hassle to review for whoever is going to do that.

If you want to dispute the deception part of the ban, you should go get footage of the incident you accidentally referred to and explain how it makes sense in relation to how you stated "You threw the bottle at the wrong person". Edit your post with this evidence if you do get it.

You unnecessarily involved yourself in a situation that had nothing to do with you whatsoever, mistaking Chi Long-Qua as your friend. You attempted to defend him from Matt Grand, who was Chi Long-Qua's accomplice in the situation. You chose to throw a bottle at a visibly armed assailant, putting your life at risk unnecessarily, therefore, breaking rule 3.4.

Reviewed with @steelo
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