Ban Dispute (@Misel)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Misel
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Kenty
Your Roleplay Name: Headie Juan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:157864594

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 - User ordered a fairly new player to bomb the PD for no apparent reason.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I never 'Ordered' or 'Forced' this supposed 'New Player' to bomb the PD. I offered him the task and had no knowledge of him being 'Fairly new' because he never had any tag above his head and it wasn't the first time I saw this person. I was driving to slums, accidentally ran him over and this is how it started, I was RP'ing as a 'Roadman' giving him job offers to sell drugs, etc. But then I offered him a job to bomb the PD jokingly but he actually wanted to do it, he took the bomb, he said he'd do it, and no one even had to explain to him how to bomb the PD. It wasn't at all my fault he bombed the PD, he took the job, he took the task and he took the bomb and used the bomb and ran to our car waiting to drive off and he got his money. I'm tired of hearing the excuses of 'He's young' or 'He's got some problems' for people to get away with things.

Additional Information: Demos can be provided only to the staff member who deals with the dispute, I'd also need a specific tick.
I've literally taken a ban for another player's actions, but people have been banned for killing people after a false KOS, and the person calling the KOS hasn't been banned.
If anything I sparked an RP situation that no one was killed in.

We reviewed the clip you've send us, in that clip you explicitly tell the player to pick up the bomb while inside slums. Although it isn't your bomb you did tell someone else to give the player the bomb. You then drove him to City Hall and told him to drop the bomb of at the front of the desk and call the number that you texted him. Therefore this ban is completely valid and we are denying your dispute.

@blackdown @Mim
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