Ban Dispute (murtsly)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: murtsly
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: hjaltegeden1234
Your Roleplay Name: bruce connor
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:562848178

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: i killed i guy who was punching my car and me

Why should this appeal be considered?: im not gettin unban i know that but it should be a week it got 1 month for me jumping down the roof he said we where done and i didnt remember if i died before ban i would still be dead couse i got killed before gettin on the roof he told me not to jump the first time but he said we were done so i just felt like i should just die there

I'd just like to confirm my interpretation of what you wrote: You were going to get banned for 1 week, but then you decided to jump off the roof and Murtsley issued you with a month ban because of that?

Also I'm having a bit of trouble understanding your reasoning for jumping off the roof. Could you elaborate on why you felt that you "should just die there"?

Finally, you state that you are not getting unbanned. Do you thereby acknowledge that the ban is valid, or are you disputing it's length?

Kindly answer these questions so we can investigate further.
i got 1 week at first yes but when i jump i got a month the reason i jumped is couse i died before i got on the roof and he said we were all done i just want it to get back to a week

It's up to a staff member's discretion to determine the length of a ban, the fact that you jumped off the roof when Murtsley was in the process of banning you could well have disrupted the roleplay of people passing by. In addition you should always wait for a staff member to return or physgun you back down, jumping off is never acceptable.

We therefor feel like the ban is not disproportionate.

If you wish to have your ban shortened, I recommend apologizing to Murtsley at a later date and with a bit more effort.

Reviewed with @Mim
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