Ban Dispute (Nazeer)

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Google Chrome

Communication Banned
Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Nazeer
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: Google Chrome
Your Roleplay Name: Bob Senap
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:191086074

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4, 5.3 - User died while defending a raid and then returned to the same raid and started killing the raiders. After dying to cops, user returned to the same raid after his NLR and kept watching the raid while being closer to the shooters than the cops are.

Why should this appeal be considered?: The staff member raided my property. I died like everybody else on the property. Everyone in my org that was also in the property went with me in my car to go scouting for a raid we found none at slums and subs are already being raided so we headed to Projex to see if we had any neighbors with properties. I see a random guy there with a rifle and phone telling me to leave as there's a raid going on. I say fuck it and start counter-raiding. Nazeer starts complaining in looc. After another 20 min pass the raid has still not ended and I'm waiting outside at dock parking first when everything calmed down I went standing on top of docks gateway first as its high ground and you can easily spot the difference between me standing there and same for the dumpster at morons. When shots were fired outside I took cover.

So now to why the ban should be considered. I raided during this time only once which does not break rule 5.3. I'm not near anywhere of the shots being fired as all the shots that we were fired outside were not from anywhere close to where I was standing. He's very confident in me breaking the rule 5.3 there over discord the whole time as well when I never tried raiding more than once.
you have admitted to going back to the property you got raided in to try and raid another apartment in that property? Then attempted to counter raid your own property?
As I found no raids I was gonna check projex last for raids there and if there were no raids I would go back to my property but as there is a raid going on(there's no way of me knowing it is the same raid going on) and no cops we're on scene and it had been like 20min since the projex raid happened I assumed its another raid happening as I wouldn't think people would raid a property with lots of people inside kill a ton of people and stay at that place when its safe to leave to hide. So it was a safe assumption for me to assume it was a new raid.
I have extended your ban for 3.5 to 1 week. You told your org members to "come projex" and "kos gree nguy" (which was me) after you died while the raid was still ongoing and kept spectating me whilst on top of the morons dumpster. Rule 5.3 Raiding states that Players who died whilst raiding or being raided may also not return to the situation until it has finished. You returned to the raid you died in 5 minutes after your NLR timer and started shooting at a raider assuming it is another raid that you just died in.
Another staff member will handle this dispute soon.
I have extended your ban for 3.5 to 1 week. You told your org members to "come projex" and "kos gree nguy" (which was me) while the raid was still ongoing and spectating me whilst on top of the morons dumpster. Rule 5.3 Raiding states that Players who died whilst raiding or being raided may also not return to the situation until it has finished. You returned to the raid you died in 5 minutes after your NLR timer and started shooting at a raider assuming he is raiding a property.
Another staff member will handle this dispute soon.
Okay, I did not see the being raided part it must be something new idk but anyway besides that when I first killed you guys I wouldn't be assuming you guys were being left there still going on with the same raid when there were no cops on scene as you guys should be leaving the scene asap due to rule 3.4. So with that, I assumed it was a different raid and for that reason, I don't believe it's the same thing If I had to investigate closer before countering a raid it would mean that I would have to break 3.4 myself. The "kos the green guy" part is me hearing you raid projex 3 and I did not know about the 5.3 also applying for defenders so I called the org member that just joined the server to come and kill you afterwards.

I die in the raid > I search for raids don't find raids so I counter a raid I see happening at projex that seems to be different as no cops are there and I see a random dude that I haven't seen earlier > I die another 20 min pass somehow you guys are still in that raid so like 40 min already pass since raid started > I return with the purpose to go back to my base when the raid is over > I hear about the raid happening up in the projex 3 which is my apartment > I didn't know that the 5.3 applies to defenders now as well so I tell them to kos him after cops have dealt with it when its safe for us to get ourselves involved > you die to cops the second you come outside.

EDIT: You died to pistol cops anyway so we didn't get to break 5.3 at the end either It was just a little mistake by typing such a thing in org chat as no actions against you there were taken.
The provided demos are both from the wrong dates. The correct demo is perpheads_demo_2024-1-5 18-24-11. It seems like you've admitted to breaking 5.3 as you didn't know that 5.3 applied to defenders too, there is also a clip of you standing opposite morons playing with a doll whilst the situation was still on-going. Please upload your demo within the next 24 hours. It seems like the 3.5 explained above was because you called KOS on him whilst he was still calling cops, apparently you had just arrived and there was not really other reason than you using your previous life to know he had raided you.

No reply, feel free to send me your demo within a reasonable timeframe if you wish for this to still be reviewed, but upon review with what I have, you did break 5.3 and 3.5 it seems.
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