Ban Dispute (TinySlayer)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: TinySlayer
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Xeronise
Your Roleplay Name: Amy Hustle
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:52192104

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 5.3 - Raided 3 properties within 1 hour

Why should this appeal be considered?: I did 2 raids, then afterward I started looking for mug opportunities exclaiming in the chat "I have timer" and "no more raids" and then drove around the forest. I found a car parked outside of a wood cabin so I started stealing it to get people to come to me, 2 people came out of the wood cabin and were promptly killed by Kurze, leaving their door wide open, so I walk in and mugged the remaining person. I did not steal anything inside of the base.

In the f6 TinySlayer claimed I tried to "loophole" the rules by mugging them inside of their base instead of raiding, but this is the same as running into someone's bazaar shop to mug them, that doesn't count as a raid either so why should this?
- Involved.
We needed fuel for our car and Xeronisesaid he had a timer. However, I could raid. Xeronise started crowbarring the car, and I held the front door to ensure he was safe. However, people came out and pulled a weapon so I killed them and took this opportunity to go inside of the door that was left open by the owners. Upon arrival, I saw someone standing stuff and called out mug. We then proceeded to mug this person, I went to take 6 simple pots, nothing else. And after the mugging was done we left. I do not see how this would count as a raid for Xeronise as he did not kill nor break into any house. The door was left open by the owners. This was a mugging inside of a house. This gets done more than plenty. - Going inside with the sole intention of mugging this person should not be counted as a raid.
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Please note how I don't see any drugs in the base at all ever and upon leaving I don't even go to look in as I had no intention of stealing anything (like the pots I saw earlier)

My perp lawyer says this is no different from a bazaar mugging and should be treated as such.
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