Ban Dispute (Nazeer)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Nazeer
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: makedonce123
Your Roleplay Name: nate hume
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76561198201988635

Why were you punished?: for playing a massage video on tv that baerly showed a womans but for 3 secs and thats how long PERMA BAN FOR THAT WTF

Why should this appeal be considered?: Beacuse iv played on the server more than him and im on it for 2 years and what i did for 2 sec is not a perma ban a vid on tv wha i dont think so that i should be perma banned for showing a 2 sec video off a woman geting a massage and her but being baerly shown its not even there AND THIS IS NOT PORN that has something to do whit sex and there is nothing like that here on the vid AND ITS 2 SECONDS and i didnt play it again i said ok i wont use tvs and he still perma bans me here is the video [LINK REMOVED] and being called gay like i cant know if he isnt and gay isnt a insult its ok to be gay and thats racist what he did there i think i should be unbanned or my ban reduced to a day and even if that was porn which it isnt FOR 2 SECS a perma ban is insane no way u can perma ban someone for showing a 2 sec video someone look into this please and get me unbaned or 1 day this is to insane i didnt play the video multiple times aswell and im lucky i got my acc on forums somone look into this thank u!! idk what else to write
That's porn, whats wrong with you? Kids playing on the server and you put this on a TV in the middle of a busy bazaar?

Why are you posting the link that got you permabanned from the server here in your dispute? Not the brightest idea. The video is clearly pornographic, your ban will remain in place.

@Ellie @Aquaa
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