Ban Dispute (pug)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: pug
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Willson
Your Roleplay Name: Tyler Willson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:549211938

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: i was banned for disconnecting

Why should this appeal be considered?: You stated that in the LOOC chat i only counted down then disconnected , but previously to that i typed in LOOC that i had to go. My Mother came into my room and told me i had to get off now but i told her that the admins would get angry at me if i left now but she did not care. i tried to stay on longer to not get a punishment for this but the stood in my doorway waiting for me ; She told me that if i didnt get off right now the would unplug my pc. which would probably cause some problems with it , so I told the police once again that I have to go but they completely ignored me so I counted down until i left to let them know that I want them to know i have to go and will leave but not to sneakily leave silently.

Additional Information: I understand that the rules are in place but i cannot see what i am meant to do in this situation as it was not my fault for this rule-break. I had completely no choice or control over this. (i am writing this on my phone at 10:24pm Uk time - my mother is strict on sleep).
Could you please provide evidence as to why you think this ban is invalid?

From what I can read you acknowledge you disconnected while you probably should not have, and in the logs I can clearly see you counting down to the point where you disconnect.

I'd advise that you turn this into an apology, because there is clear evidence that you intentionally disconnected.

It remains your responsibility to ensure that you have the time to deal with roleplay situations you get into. If your mother is strict with bedtimes, then you should probably not get yourself arrested right before your bedtime.
i was not the reason of the police being here. Realisyically in the game i hadn’t actually done anything it was my friends who done it and they told me they got prison time for it. So i did not choose to do this just before i had to go. Also i had no choice over disconnecting or not.
Only 3 minutes prior to counting down and disconnect you Opened fire on someone inside your house so the chances are that you were he reason police came there and then cuffed you?

You also admit everything in the dispute so why would this be considered?
I understand what you mean but i was not the one shooting it was Ling Wong which we had told to NOT shoot but they did anyway
Even if i did leave to aboid the situation I wouldnt have been given any punishment because I had not done anything it was all Ling Wong and neither of my friends got prison either
You crippled and made someone bleed. So you did shoot
when did i do that and if so why wouldnt i just do prison time when i rejoin
i practically got banned because i had to leave its not my fault for the ban i had no control over it
i looked at the rules and noticed it says if I need to leave i should inform a staff which i tried doing via the LOOC which all encounters Ive had with admins had spoke to me in
You have provided no evidence to this dispute which you have to, you have also stated you were involved in a role-play situation with police, if it was regarding you shooting someone, then that is your own fault for getting yourself into that in the first place, provide some sort of evidence so I can look at it wihtin the next 12 hours otherwise this will be denied
Hey mate, I have lowered your ban to 3 days as I was one of the officers on scene and did not see your previous LOOC messages. The dispute will stay open as you are clearly disputing the whole ban itself
thank you so much man but i will also show a clip as I hadnt shown the required evidence

As you were in a role-play situation, you shouldn't of really disconnected, although you say you had to go, you did technically break the rules as you didn't inform staff via f6 and just wrote in LOOC and counted down and disconnected. Pug has kindly lowered your ban though.
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